Check your credentials

Check you are using the credentials supplied for the endpoint you are trying to send to. For example you’re not accidentally trying. to use the Sandbox credentials to send to a Production environment.

HL7 Test

If the connectivity seems OK but you have an application, e.g. your TIE, which is not working correctly, you might like to try a direct connection from the command line using curl. This will help to narrow down where the problem lies. For example, the following is a simple QRY A19 which asks for a maximum of 1 patient records to be returned. Although in theory any HL7 message could be used, the benefit of a query message is that you do not need to send any data to your patient records to confirm the connection.

curl -v --connect-timeout 10 -u username:password --header "Content-Type:text/xml" -X POST --data \ $'<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wss=""><soapenv:Header/><soapenv:Body><wss:acceptMessage><arg0> MSH|^~\&amp;|Hello7||HL7API|PKB|20231011162923+0100||QRY^A19|38efef7a-461f-4de7-8fd8-1879d4fb0118|P|2.4 QRD|20231011162923+0100|||0220d40c-9a51-446e-8642-e43f161c3b6c|||1^RD||STA </arg0></wss:acceptMessage></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>'