Email Registration - using email addresses

Email Registration - using email addresses

What is Email Registration? 

Email registration is when a patient’s personal email address is added to their PKB record (either manually or via automation) and the patient then receives an invitation to register from PKB via email on behalf of the Organisation. 


Email is a very easy and scalable way of registering patients en masse. 

Patients who have provided their email address to the organisation are likely to be highly motivated and engaged. 


Organisations can collect email addresses from patients in many different ways 

  • when the patient is attending clinic (via reception staff or clinical staff) 

  • over the phone when making or changing/updating appointments

  • by liaising with local GP surgeries (in England GP surgeries have the most verified email addresses - collected during the 2015 Patient Online program, so cooperating with them is a great way to onboard patients for shared care between hospital and primary care.)

Organisations can then add these email addresses to the patient PKB records the following ways

  • using the HL7 demographic feed to add the email addresses to the records during their creation

  • by manually entering an email address to the patient PKB record at any touch point during the patient journey

  • By uploading a CSV including the email addresses en masse 


For any further advice or information on registering your patients via email please contact your PKB Success contact