EMIS Extract Service (ES)

EMIS Extract Service (ES)

What is the EMIS Extract Service?

Patients Know Best (PKB) has a partnership with EMIS Health in order to deliver more collaborative, seamless health care for you and your Patients. EMIS Extract Services enables PKB customers to securely obtain raw primary care data to improve patient care and assist with cost-saving reductions. For more information on EMIS extract service and configuration please visit here.

I am interested, so how do I enquire about EMIS Extract Service with my PKB deployment?

Firstly, you will need to have a PKB site already set up and Live in order to progress. If you do not, please contact us to find out how to purchase PKB.

If you are already set up with PKB then enquire via your Success Team member, or alternatively, please contact the PKB support desk.

What benefits will this bring to me as a GP/Healthcare Provider?

Initially, when the EMIS Extract Service is enabled, PKB will receive EMIS patient data namely, patient Demographics, Diagnosis, Allergies, Medications, tests and Measurements, these will be available securely from within PKB for approved professionals(GPs), patients and carers.

In the future PKB intend to retrieve more data including; Appointments, Consultations, Immunisation and Referrals.

As a GP using PKB you will have the ability to request access to other legitimate sources of medical information in your patient's PKB medical record, if the patient had granted access. When the patient has given this consent, a GP practice will be able to view patient data from other organisations in PKB such as the acute, mental health, social care, private care, charities other healthcare organisations involved. For more information on PKB's patient control and consent model please visit here.

Also, visit our website to read case studies and the benefits being realised.

What information does PKB need from the GP Practice in order to make this happen?

If you are currently already a PKB customer then contact the Success Team member looking after your deployment. You can however complete the mandatory sections of our request form yourself. Your Success Team Member will then contact you to complete your request process. If applicable PKB will contact you regarding any additional EMIS costs prior to processing.

How long does it take to deploy EMIS Extract Services with my PKB site at my GP Practice?

Providing you are already a PKB customer with a Live site already set up, from request it usually takes approximately 10-14 working days (up to 3 weeks). PKB are working closely with EMIS to ensure we deliver in this time period. Your PKB Success Team member will explain the process and provide a more accurate timeframe. Please refer to the Deployment steps.

How will I be notified that we are ready to switch on the Integration between our EMIS system and PKB?

As a GP Practice, you have complete control of when you switch on the digital Information Sharing Agreements (ISAs) from your EMIS Web console. You will be notified by PKB when this is ready. This is relatively easy and PKB will assist you with this, providing support (including documentation) from start to finish. It could take between 24-48 hours to pull in the initial data set from EMIS into PKB.

How will I get support before, during and after deployment?

If you have any questions we would love to hear from you. Your Success Team member will always be available to answer any questions. Alternatively, you can also request information using our online support service here.

After deployment

For any problems with the daily extract service, please contact PKB.

For any other problems with EMIS software please continue to use your normal routes of support with EMIS.

EMIS extract service data

For information about how privacy labels and datatype are assigned to data from the EMIS extract please consult our coded data developer page.

Patient Record Creation

EMIS sends 'regular' type patients to PKB only, including those who have become inactive, e.g. deceased, in the last 3 months. After the initial extract which contains the historical data for patients, EMIS sends PKB a daily delta with new data.

PKB creates new records for patients in the EMIS extract where a record does not already exist. The vast majority of these will have an NHS number in EMIS, but in some newly registered patients there may be an EMIS ID only, with the NHS number added in EMIS a few days later.

In case a PKB record is created elsewhere within this period, the patient will end up with duplicate records. PKB has a process in place to detect this and consolidate the data in a single record - this will involve a rebulk (full historical data set) being requested from EMIS for the practice.

Exclusion codes

EMIS excludes certain data from the EMIS extract. This can exclude the patient completely or only specific data points.

Opted-out patients

Data is excluded for patients whose records contain one of the following Read codes. The EMIS extract omits their data entirely and thus no record will be created for patients with these codes. EMIS implements this; the codes to be excluded are specified as part of the EMIS extract set-up configuration.

Sensitive Read V2 codes

In addition certain sensitive Read V2 codes and EMIS proprietary codes, as agreed with our partners, are excluded from the patient record. This means data points with these codes will not appear in the patient's record.

There are two sensitive code lists:

The EMIS Web problem list

Our approach is that all problems in EMIS would not count as diagnoses in PKB e.g. procedures that are listed as problems. Other sections in PKB would suit these better e.g. procedures, and we will revisit this as a future phase of this project.

That said, we know that some observations in the care history may have diagnoses READ V2 codes but are not problems and would not be expected to be found in the diagnoses section.

For that reason, READ V2 codes in Chapter A-S are added to PKB as diagnoses, but only codes in this range which are also problems will appear in the diagnoses list.

This means that for this current phase not everything on the problem list will be a diagnosis in PKB, but there will not be anything in the diagnoses section in PKB that is not a problem.

To read more about PKB's READ V2 code support please see our coded data help page. If you have ideas or feedback on this approach, please contact us.