EMIS Single Sign-On (SSO)

EMIS Single Sign-On (SSO)

What is EMIS Single sign-on?

EMIS Single Sign On will allow a GP to click through from EMIS Web and see any data held on their patients in Patients Knows Best (PKB) without having to log into PKB each time. PKB will open seamlessly within EMIS Web for ease of use. For more information on EMIS single sign-on please visit here.

Do I require EMIS Extract Services before requesting EMIS Single Sign on with PKB?

Yes, to find out about the EMIS Extract Service, please visit here.

I am interested, so how do I enquire about EMIS Single Sign On with my PKB deployment?

In order to progress, you will need to have a PKB site already set up and Live. If you do not, please contact us to find out how to purchase PKB.

If you are already set up with PKB, then enquire via your Success Team member. Alternatively, please get in touch with the PKB support desk.

What benefits will this bring to me as a GP/Healthcare Provider?

This will enable the PKB Record Viewer to open directly inside the EMIS Web. Additionally, the professional (GP/Healthcare Provider) will not have to re-enter their PKB credentials each time they view a patient's PKB medical record from within EMIS Web.

What information does PKB need from the GP Practice in order to make this happen?

If you are currently already a PKB customer then contact the Success Team member looking after your deployment. You can however complete the mandatory sections of our request form yourself. Your Success Team Member will then contact you to complete your request process. If applicable PKB will contact you regarding any additional EMIS costs prior to processing.

How long does it take to deploy EMIS Single Sign On with my PKB site at my GP Practice?

Providing you are already a PKB customer with a Live site already set up, from request it usually takes approximately 12-14 working days (up to 3 weeks). PKB are working closely with EMIS to ensure we deliver in this time period. Your PKB Success Team member will explain the process and provide a more accurate timeframe. Please refer to the Deployment steps here.

How will I get support prior, during and post deployment?

If you have any questions we would love to hear from you. Your Success Team member will always be available to answer any questions. Alternatively, you can also request information using our online support service here.


For any problems with single sign-on, please contact PKB.

For any other problems with EMIS software please continue to use your normal routes of support with EMIS.