Supporting the Green Agenda

Supporting the Green Agenda

Why Go Digital?

Climate change is a huge global challenge for our society and PKB is committed to continue to develop pioneering health and care technology that is sustainable for generations to come and supporting the NHS to achieve the ambition ‘for a greener NHS’ with net carbon zero.

Patients registered with PKB and using it with their clinical teams has a huge impact on this. Replacing their in-person patient appointments, attendances and communication by remote interactions reduces carbon emissions and air pollution emitted from trips to the hospital or GP. Within just four departments using PKB we've saved the equivalent of 650,000 car miles of carbon from being released. Sending correspondence electronically also reduces the use of paper and transportation. We’re estimating roughly 44 tonnes of CO2e being saved this year alone through the delivery of digital letters in PKB.

To help communicate this message and support your Trust’s Greener NHS Agenda make sure that your staff and patients understand the importance of how they can contribute to it by registering for their PKB record and ensuring clinicians engage with a new way of working to improve the environment. For more information click here.

"It's time the NHS moved over to digital. Extremely helpful and easy to use system. Amazing Idea!"

(Patient 5 star Review on Trust Pilot)