NHS App Comms Toolkit

NHS App Comms Toolkit

PKB is fully integrated into the NHS App. Switching on PKB in your region is convenient for patients and accelerates your registrations, usage and thus your outcomes. The integration works side by side with any other systems GPs are using in the area that are integrated into the App e.g. eConsult, so there is no downside or effort in switching on this functionality. For more information click here.

This toolkit provides you with resources to help manage your roll out and communications with patients, if your area is now integrated with the NHS App, and how to get the most out of this integration. This is designed to be complementary and used in collaboration with the wider comms toolkit available here.

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Communication Resources

Once your NHS App integration is enabled, why not use the following communication strategies to increase uptake?

1. Registering for NHS App/PKB via NHS login

It is easy for patients to register via NHS login to get access to their health records on the NHS App and PKB. If you have integrated with the NHS App in your area and you are inviting your patients to register then direct them to your PKB login page where they can find the ‘Log in with NHS login’ option. For a step-by-step guide click here.

If there are patients you aren’t currently inviting but you have created their PKB records they can also access them via registering at NHS login here.

2. NHS App 'in-app' notification message about PKB

If you are in an area where PKB integration with the NHS App has been switched on, it is possible to set up an In-App notification to be seen by your patients to encourage individuals to register, link their record or use particular features.

Below is an example of what that notification could say:

New services available in the NHS App

As a patient in [area], you can now use secure messaging, online consultations and a range of other new services with your GP, and other providers including [name of organisations], directly from the NHS App. If you have other data within your PKB record shared by organisations looking after you, such as your hospital, this will also be available in the NHS App.

To access these services, simply log in to the NHS App and click on ‘Your Health’ followed by ‘Care Plans’. You will then need to click ‘Continue’ to consent and register for the Patients Know Best service, or if already registered, just sign in.

Please note, this is an optional service designed to improve your patient care and experience. It will not affect the care and treatment you already receive from your healthcare team.


If you wish to explore this option:

  1. Speak to your PKB Project Manager to engage with the NHS App team.

  2. The NHS App team will want to review the request, see the proposed wording which will need to be signed off by IG.

  3. If agreed, this will then get sent to the NHS App team to schedule.

  4. They will need to know the desired date and the set of ODS codes associated with your GP practices you would like to send the message to (which means the patients in these practices will receive the message).

3. Extra support for your patients

Remind them how to register via NHS login in your comms.

For a step by step guide on how to register for a new or existing Patients Know Best record click here.

Direct them to resources for additional support.

Support your patients with all the information they need by signposting them to our Manual.

Use our FAQs later in this toolkit to help them understand the benefits of registering for the NHS App/PKB.

Media resources

1. Social Media

Why not share regular images and messages via your social media streams to reassure your patients this is legitimate and the benefits of signing up.

Access the files here


PKB NHS App Facebook - Appointments.png







Sample Twitter posts

[Insert name of Organisation] are delighted to be offering a new service to our patients, allowing you access to your #HealthRecord online for free via the #NHSApp @patientsco. Find all the important information you need in one place, like appointments and test results #ManageYourHealth

Access to your #HealthRecord on the #NHSApp and @patientsco empowering patients in [insert area] to manage their health online. Find out more at [insert Organisation's PKB webpage] #ManageYourHealth

Will you be one of many patients invited to register for your #HealthRecord this week? We will be inviting patients to join @patientsco on the #NHSApp, giving you secure and instant access to your health record. #ManageYourHealth

Tired of repeating your medical history? Register for @patientsco to view your record and share it securely with healthcare professionals, carers & family members. Look out for your registration details coming via SMS or post. Details on [insert link to Organisation's PKB webpage]

You'll soon be able to get online access to your health records via the #NHSapp and @patientsco. Register free and manage all your important medical info in one place, get appointment letters and access lots of tools to help you monitor your health #ManageYourHealth

Get FREE access to your important medical information - appointments, test results and more all from your smartphone, tablet or computer. Get the #NHSApp and @patientsco today to #ManageYourHealth - [insert link to Organisation's PKB webpage]

2. Roller Banners

If you have busy clinics or are attending local events to promote PKB/NHS App, why not consider getting roller banners created, including a QR code to allow patients to quickly and easily download the app.

NHS Digital provide a resource area you may find useful.

An example of how Cheshire East created their Roller Banner is shown below:

Further Information

  • FAQs: a list of questions and answers on the NHS App