How to register with your PKB Learning Platform
There are two ways to register for the PKB learning portal. These two options are below with more details on the registration email and login for the first time.
1. Self-registration
You can register via our self-register process, simply click on this link here.
Add your name and email address
The Token for self-registration enrolment is:
2. Manual registration
Your trainer may add you via the PKB training learning portal, in this case, you will have an account created for you and be added to the learning.
Learner's email notification and registration process
Click on the link in the email Access your account with Patients Know Best (shown in the below screenshot)
2. Set and confirm the password you want for the account
3. Once you have set your password, you will see the below login page. Add your email address attached to your account and password and click sign in.
4. This is your PKB learning homepage
In every PKB learning portal, there is a catalogue of PKB topics for people to view and complete. Take a look through the topics relevant to your role and remember the Patient Topic is designed for everyone.