Finding the Institution page
From this section, you can create custom messages from your team on the Greetings tab and can set the additional consent questions that your patients will be asked during registration on the Consent tab. If you would like to download contact details for your patients, this is on the Consent tab too.
Greetings tab
What messages can I create?
Welcome to patient - viewed by patients on their homepage
Information about your team - viewed by patients on the Sharing page
Footer for email messages - this can be entered as plain text or HTML and will appear at the bottom of all email notifications
You can also have organisation wide custom text or a logo in the email notifications sent by Patients Know Best (PKB) to their patients and professionals. This is an extension of PKB’s white labelling functionality. If you would like to personalise email notifications for your organisation or discuss our white labelling functionality, please contact your customer success team member to set these up for you.
Welcome to professional - this is a welcome message to professionals which they can view on their homepage
How do I create messages?
Write the message in the relevant text box on the Greetings tab and click ‘Save.’
Consent tab
What advanced consent questions can I ask patients?
You can use ask the patient for permission to contact them on different channels, e.g. post, SMS or email. You can also ask for permission to contact the patient for non-clinical reasons and to use their data for research.
How can I set up advanced consent questions?
Click the 'Consent' tab on the ‘Institution’ page. Tick the box next to each consent question you want the patient to see and click ‘Save’.
All patients on the team will be shown advanced consent questions during their consent walkthrough, which occurs immediately after registration.
Users can update their consent preferences from the ‘Sharing’ pages at any time.
The advanced consent questions appear for patients of all ages.
How do I include research partners and a link to more information in the questions?
Click the fields within each of the sections to add a custom partner and an associated link to the partner's website.
What does the 'Download Contact Details' button do?
If you click the 'Download Contact Details' button on the Consent tab, a CSV export will download which contains the entire list of patients in your team (both registered and unregistered).
This CSV contains the following information about the patient: name, local and national identifiers, contact details, address, email address, date of birth, and registration status. The CSV also includes answers to the advanced consent questions, if a team has enabled these.
If a patient has more than one local or more than one national identifier, there will be one row for each number. For example, if they have two local identifiers there will be two rows for the patient in the CSV, one for each identifier. The email address included in the CSV is the email address on the patient's record that's marked as main.
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© Patients Know Best, Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 6517382. VAT Number: GB 944 9739 67.