Mass registration: FHIR APIs

Mass registration: FHIR APIs

Tutorial summary

This section provides examples in how the PKB FHIR APIs can support mass registration. Three custom operations have been made available to partners and customers wishing to deploy a mass registration workflow - including via letter, kiosk and SMS. The operations are made available by request and are secured via an OAuth 2.0 protected PKB service - referred to as 'system user'.

For further details and to express interest please contact integrations@patientsknowbest.com.

Please see main FHIR API operations section for full details of each operation.

To construct an invite URL to send invitation tokens via SMS or email refer to Join PKB URLs for format and parameters.

Mail partner example

Please refer to our mail management tutorial here: FHIR APIs

Kiosk partner example

The below workflow diagram shows an example workflow where a kiosk partner will supplement their patient check in flow with an invite to PKB option. The kiosk partner will check the registration status of the patient on PKB using status-query in advance of the appointment and if eligible will offer the patient the opportunity to sign up to PKB . The patient will confirm their email address on the kiosk and after the patient has completed 'check in' to their appointment the partner will use generate-invitation-tokens to construct an email invitation to the patient.

SMS partner example

The below workflow diagram shows an example workflow where a partner will provide a one-off SMS invite service for a PKB customer. The customer supplies a set of patients to invite to PKB with details including national identifier, mobile number and name. The partner processes the list of patients and creates a set of invitation tokens using generate-invitation-tokens. The partner embeds the invitation tokens in an SMS message and sends to the patient.

Reference https://deploy.patientsknowbest.com/reg/sms and Join PKB URLs for SMS details.


© Patients Know Best, Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 6517382. VAT Number: GB 944 9739 67.

This API specification and design is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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