Roadmap 2020
Below is the roadmap for 2020 and early 2021. (Click to see the previous version). This work aligns with our 2020-2023 product strategy. Our work is planned quarterly so that we can make sure we’re always building the right features for our users and customer organisations. Our prioritisation is guided by the feedback of early adopter customers.
Subscribe to our blog to receive updates on what’s being released each month. The feature category of the PKB blog has details on the features we're releasing. The blog also has archives of past roadmap postings.
NHS App and NHS Login integration
PKB is the first third party to integrate with NHS Login and NHS App.
Onboarding patients with NHS Login
Phase 1 (released in March): a patient with a PKB record and a PKB login can see their PKB record in the NHS App using the NHS Login.
Phase 2 (released June): a patient with a PKB record but without a PKB login can see their PKB record in the NHS App using the NHS Login. The NHS Login allows the patient to self-register for their PKB login.
Phase 3 (due early 2021): a patient without a PKB record or a PKB login can create their PKB record and self-register for a PKB login in the NHS App using the NHS Login. Patients can use PKB to enter their own data without waiting for a health care provider to release data and see data about them as soon as a provider integrates with PKB.
Extending NHS App functionality
NHS App displays information stored in PKB. PKB uses the NHS App's "NHS front door" policy to show data from primary, secondary, tertiary, community, mental health and social care. The patient also receives data from across the UK from other customers treating the patient allowing borderless care and supports 20 languages.
online consultations
test results
care plans
Under development:
Due in 2020:
consent management
radiology images
Due later (2021):
device integrations
Team-based messaging
Automatic CC
Automatic CC allows communication with professionals in a team to automatically CC every member of the team rather than individual professionals. In 2020 we have extended this functionality to consultations.
Assign discussion
A professional recipient of a message can assign the discussion to themselves so that other professionals in the team can know that this professional is dealing with the patient.
Archive discussion
Once a professional has dealt with the patient's problem the professional can archive the discussion. This removes the discussion from the inbox of each professional in the team. The archived messages tab will show which discussions were previously archived, either to remove them from the archive or to review past actions. If a patient replies to an archived discussion the thread returns to the inbox for the team to look at.
GP integration
SystmOne single sign-on from PKB for clinicians
GPs using SystmOne electronic health record are able to click through from SystmOne into PKB without entering any username or password after a one-time configuration. The patient whose record appears in PKB is the same as the one the GP had been looking at in SystmOne -- the GP does not need to search for any patient, the process happens in one click.
The functionality is similar to the workflow PKB already has with EMIS single sign-on.
Full OAuth 2.0 support
OAuth 2.0 and system user support allows PKB customers such as hospitals to authorise third-party systems such as hybrid mail providers to access PKB data.
Demographics POST
Under development.
Customers will be able to instruct PKB to create records via the FHIR API. If email addresses are included, patients will be invited to register. The spec for this API has been published. Due Q4 2020.
Questionnaire responses GET
Under development.
PKB will provide an API that will allow third-party systems to pull questionnaire or consultation responses from PKB. PKB allows questionnaires and consultations to be sent to all patients or to certain patients. This new API gives organisations the flexibility to pull the responses into another system for review if preferred. The spec for this API has been published. Due Q4 2020.
Date-of-last datapoint GET
Allow organisations to get the date that a new clinical data point was last added to one of their patient's records. This will help customers who are building dashboards to display PKB data in an external system. Due Q4 2020.
Social care integration
PKB will integrate with Servelec’s Mosaic social care system. Social care data from Mosaic will appear in a new custom-built tab in PKB. Due early Q1 2021.
User interface improvements
In the first quarter of 2020 users spent more time within PKB – visit duration used to average under 200 seconds and is now over 300 seconds. This is because patients are finding more data more useful in PKB as regions release more data and more professionals are more available digitally.
Performance improvements to allow customers sending questionnaires to scale questionnaires up to tens of thousands of recipients.
Under development.
Performance and usability improvements to aid remote monitoring (e.g. oxygen saturation of patients with Covid-19 symptoms in care homes). Due Q4 2020.
Test results
Performance and usability improvements primarily targeting mobile devices.
Mobile devices
As part of PKB's integration with the NHS App, NHS Digital's usability team identified areas for improvement to the PKB user interface. PKB has improved all of the commonly used pages throughout 2020.
More details can be found in our blog.
New colour scheme and font
New colour scheme and font to improve user experience and to meet the latest accessibility standards ensuring compliance with WCAG AA 2.1. The changes will affect text, background, links and button colours.
International and infrastructure
New data centres
PKB migrated to cloud infrastructure for increased security and scalability in Q1/Q2 2020.
PKB customer sites: deploy | developer | information governance | procurement | manual
© Patients Know Best, Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 6517382. VAT Number: GB 944 9739 67.
This API specification and design is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.