Roadmap Jan - July 2023

Roadmap Jan - July 2023

This roadmap supports our 2020-2023 product strategy. It is updated quarterly so that we can make sure we are building the right features for our users and customers. 

Our prioritisation is guided by feedback from our customers. We conduct user-research with patients and healthcare professionals and collate feedback that customers give our staff.

Subscribe to our blog to receive updates on what’s being released each month, including minor changes that are not on this roadmap. The feature category of the Patients Know Best (PKB) blog contains all our development blog posts.


Q2 2023



PKB is committed to full interoperability through FHIR APIs. We are gradually transitioning our system to a FHIR-native architecture during 2023, one datatype at a time.

Appointments, conditions, medications, observations

Each data set will be mapped, migrated, aggregated and made available via the read-only FHIR API and our web application.  We are prioritising the data sets from London’s Discovery Data Service as this will provide the GP and community records to patients treated in London.

We will move on to observations next. This includes data that populates the Tests and Measurements pages in PKB records.

The remaining data types will be sequenced depending on customers’ abilities. We prioritise releasing the most data to the most patients.

Send questionnaires FHIR API improvements

We released a FHIR API endpoint for sending questionnaires at the end of 2022. This API allows an organisation to tell PKB to send out a questionnaire to a patient. This is great for Patient-Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU) and pre assessment/triage workflows. 

We’ve added the following features to the API:

  • switch email notifications to professionals about responses on or off

  • send to patients who have been invited but have not yet registered

  • use national or organisations identifiers to identify patients

We’re working on:

  • allowing the “additionalIdentifier” parameter sent with questionnaires to be included in the questionnaire response, organisations can search for questionnaire responses with this ID

  • allowing questionnaires to be sent to patients who aren’t in the sender’s team

Remove from teams via HL7 API

It is possible to add patients to teams via our HL7 API. Next, we want to give customers a way to remove patients from teams. We have published the specification for this API for feedback. 

NHS App Wales

PKB will be available for users of NHS App Wales, where an organisation has chosen to offer PKB to their patients. 

MedMij certification in the Netherlands - data deletion

Dutch digital health data standards regulator MedMij, has certified PKB as a personal health record (or PGO as it is better known in Dutch). PKB’s PGO is delivered with Dutch partner CarePoint. This means that citizens in the Netherlands can pull their health information into their PKB record. To remain certified, we are making it possible for patients to delete data sent by CarePoint from their records.

Web application changes

Questionnaires uplift 

We are uplifting our questionnaires(consultations) functionality.

After phase one of this project, organisations can:

  • Add simple calculations, details of the calculation will be visible

  • Add branching so that it’s easier for patients to complete the parts of the form that are relevant for them

  • Add coded fields, e.g. Snomed CT codes so that data from the questionnaire can be show in other parts of the patient’s record

  • Add help text

  • Save drafts

  • Set mandatory questions

  • Add validation for answers

  • Send questionnaires to patients that aren’t registered or already in your team

Phase one focuses on completing the questionnaire. Questionnaires can be sent to patients via a FHIR API and the responses can be retrieved via a FHIR API. We will work on phase one in Q2 2023. Questionnaires with complex calculations will not be supported as PKB cannot be used as a medical device.

Phase two focuses on the PKB UI. We’ll improve the display of responses in the patient’s ‘Events and messages’ section. Organisations can trigger questionnaire sending, download responses and edit/amend responses in the UI. We will have an API to let organisations generate a questionnaire link to send to patients, e.g. via SMS.

Test results in the notifications panel

Patients will see their latest test results in the notifications panel and will not have to navigate away from the notification to see the value. When patients click the notification, they will see more information about the test result and previous results for that test.

Freeze records

We are expanding our freeze record feature to allow a professional to freeze any record. Currently it’s restricted to those under 18 years old.

Messages to deactivated professionals

It will no longer be possible for a patient to continue a message thread with a professional who has been deactivated from teams.

Symptoms display improvements

If a patient records more than one severity for a symptom, we will show the worst severity on the symptoms timeline, rather than an average severity. This lets professionals easily check when the patient has been recording more severe symptoms.

Next projects

These are the projects currently planned to start after the projects that are in progress. There are no delivery dates available for these yet. This section will be updated regularly.


FHIR API to retrieve Practitioner ID

This FHIR API will let organisations pull back a practitioner ID for the practitioner who is sending questionnaires to patients, without needing to ask PKB for support with this.

Web application changes

Tests display improvements

We are currently working on designs for a condensed list showing the latest test results so patients can review them all together at a glance. We will be taking these designs back to patients for further usability testing, but the improvements we are looking to make are:

  • separating the latest results into a list view

  • showing key information on the page in a condensed version

  • indicating whether the results are up or down from the previous value

  • allowing users to search for test results in the list



Request appointment workflow

Organisations will be able to manage appointments requests by allowing patients to request an appointment from their record. When an organisations enables this, there will be a new button to request an appointment. Clicking on this will start a message thread in PKB, similar to the existing appointment messaging feature.

Accessibility: Website navigation

PKB is committed to meeting WCAG standards. The first changes we will make will be to the navigation bar of the patient view. Our Accessibility Statement has been published in our user manual. We’ve been testing our designs with users to make sure that it’s intuitive and easy-to-use.

Automatically add plans to records

We are exploring options to allow a team to have a default plan that we add to their patients’ records when the record is created.


© Patients Know Best, Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 6517382. VAT Number: GB 944 9739 67.

This API specification and design is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.