SystmOne GP Practice users online services guide
SystmOne GP Practice staff can find further information on how to enable Online Services, and troubleshoot issues with Online Services access within SystmOne itself by navigating to Help → Support and FAQs → SystmOnline.
The SystmOnline user guides are also available to SystmOne staff members on this page by selecting ‘Documents & Training Guide’ and navigating down to SystmOnline.
How does a GP practice enable online services for a patient?
The GP Practice staff member will need to retrieve the patient record and navigate to the Online Services node. Note: The clinical/administrative tree that is displayed down the left hand side within the SystmOne patient record is configurable so the placement of this node within the tree(s) can vary practice to practice and user to user.
Click on ‘Register for Online Services’
Add minimum requirements for identity verification for Online Services is 1 document(s) or vouching by 1 staff member(s).
The GP practice staff member is able to generate and provide the Online Credentials on this screen and either provide these verbally, via printout or send via either SMS or email
The staff member can also select the level of access. For SystmOne you will require either the Detail codes or Full clinical record. The Full clinical record will provide the patient with the highest level of access to their record. GP Practices often have their own organisation presets to specify what data is made available and from which date. A patient is entitled to request access to their full record from birth if they wish to be able to access the most of their GP data.
NOTE: GP staff members will need to ensure that a review has been performed for either the full clinical or detailed coded record, depending on which the patient has access to. This is done by selecting Set full/codes clinical record start date(s) via the Online Services node.
How can a GP practice increase online services access for a patient?
From the online services node in the patient record, the GP Practice user will need to select 'Add or remove services'
The GP Practice user can increase the level of access from the ‘Amend Online Services’ dialog
How can a GP practice reset online services for a patient?
From the online services node in the patient record, the GP Practice user will need to select 'Reset third party links'.
Then choose to provide the credentials to the patient as a print out, SMS, email or verbally.
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