EMIS GP Practice users online services guide
EMIS GP Practice staff can find further information and resources on how to enable Online Services, and troubleshoot issues with Online Services access by viewing user manuals in the EMIS now portal.
How does a GP practice enable online services for a patient?
The GP Practice staff member will need to retrieve the patient record and navigate to the EMIS ball → Registration → Online users
Click on ‘3. Online Services’
Click on ‘Add Online user…’ and then ‘Add current patient’
Add identity verification for the patient e.g. passport, birth certificate, driving license
Select the Services available to a patient
Select Record Access and enter a date. NOTE: The GP Practice might have a policy for dates to when records can be accessed from. Patients can request to have full access since birth to get the most of their GP data.
How can a GP practice increase online services access for a patient?
From the Online Services in the Registration section of the patient record, the GP Practice user will need to select 'View online user'.
Click on ‘Edit User’
The user can select whether to show all data or customised access and increase the level of access for the patient
How can a GP practice reset online services for a patient?
From the Online Services in the Registration section of the patient record, the GP Practice user will need to select 'View online user'.
Click ‘Reset account key’
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