Online Course

Online Course

PKB has built a library of online courses to support training on the PKB platforms using a system called Tribal Habits; the portal topics are designed to be taken by anyone new to using PKB, whether that is our own staff or our customers.

How to register

To enrol in one of the portal topics you can register here using our self-registration page.


To register you will need to use the token below or email the training team at training@patientsknowbest.com and let them know what topics you want to complete. PKB has e-learning for our Patient, Professional, Privacy officer, Organisation administrator or Coordinator accounts.


The Token for self-registration is:



In every PKB learning portal, there is a catalogue of PKB topics for people to view and complete. Take a look through the topics relevant to your role and remember the Patient Topic is designed for everyone.


Topics are divided into bite-sized sections, each taking around 5 minutes and addressing a couple of features at a time. The topics are structured, starting with a recap of the key points that will have been covered in the training received directly from the PKB Success Project Management Team.

To view the portal Topic, click on the links below.

Knowledge Check

At the end of the topic, the user's knowledge is assessed by answering three or so multiple-choice or free-text questions that are automatically scored, and feedback is given. PKB has set each of these lessons with a "pass" threshold of 100%. PKB views the responses submitted by each user to identify gaps in knowledge that can be addressed by the site's Customer Success contact.

Below is an example multiple-choice question as well as the "report card" showing correct or incorrect answers, question number, question, response given, and correct answer.


Depending on the role the user is adopting within PKB, they can expect that the full course comprises one topic, with four or five lessons to work through. This course promotes independent learning and consolidation of the knowledge gleaned from the direct training sessions, or it can simply act as a refresher for existing functionality or an introduction to new functionality as we roll it out.


Once topics have been assigned to your team you have 14 days to complete the course.

Further information

If you would like information on how to register with your PKB learning portal, please click here.