Team Qualification Form

Team Qualification Form

Part of the Organisation's (Org) PKB rollout is to get speciality teams using PKB with their patients. PKB will support each Org with the first three speciality teams chosen.

The Clinical Engagement Lead of the Org is the ideal person to choose the first three teams as they are best to assess if a team has the resources and enthusiasm to roll out PKB and can help guide the team to set goals for their use of PKB. Setting clear, achievable and timely goals on how a team is going to use PKB is fundamental to the success of the rollout.

When the teams have been chosen, the Clinical Engagement Lead must complete the PKB Specialty Team Qualification form for each team and submit it to PKB.

The three teams chosen need to be ready to roll out PKB within three months and have their goals set out for using PKB in their service.

Measurable outcomes and Benefits Realisation

In order to achieve clinical transformation and to accomplish the adoption of PKB, it is important to identify upfront what it is the team wishes to achieve and to then track the progress towards these targets. PKB recommends that each team creates goals to help them achieve measurable benefits.


PKB advises using the SMART goals framework to record the benefits realisation, which will in turn inform future business cases.


SMART goals are:

Specific (simple, sensible, significant)

Measurable (meaningful, motivating)

Achievable (agreed, attainable)

Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based)

Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive)

Smart Goal Examples