Post Training Emails

Post Training Emails

PKB delivers training in many different forms; group training, one-to-one training either in person or virtually via screen share, or by a Org Trainer using the train the trainer approach.

These training sessions nearly always begin with a run-through of the patient record before moving on to focus on the specific role(s) those being trained will be responsible for. There is often a lot of material covered in a short period of time, and although we allow plenty of time for questions it is always useful to have something to refer back to.

PKB has standard post-training email templates to be tailored to each session referencing what has been covered and sign-posting useful pages in our help documentation, as well as the next steps for the project and the test site details for the teams to practice with.

Example Post-Training Email


Dear [name],

It was my pleasure to speak with you today and take you on a tour of Patients Know Best (PKB). We went through the [patient/professional/coordinator] portal[s] giving you a small insight into what it can do.

Here is the link to the Patients Know Best website, there is a short video through the patient's portal which would be worth you viewing.

Here is a link to our Help Manual; this is P ‘'s online wiki with useful aids when you can't quite remember how to do something or if you need technical help. You can click on 'professional/coordinator' for tasks you will n’ records that would be great, you will really get a feel for how it will work for you and your patients. However, please don't add any genuine demographic or medical information to the site as it can be seen by other professionals who are also using the site to practice in the same way as you.

Below are the key features I think the team should practice on before you start working with your patients on PKB:

Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime if you have questions or need further assistance.

Best wishes,

[Trainers name]

PKB Post Training E-Learning

Everyone who has training on a PKB portal can be sent the e-learning training that supports what they have been shown in person or virtually.

If the learners already have access to their PKB learning portal you can add one or all of these links to the post-training summary email.


If learners want to self-register and enrol in any of PKBs online learning, follow these steps.