


10.07.2024 - Education Programme 10th anniversary

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of our ‘Education Programme’ in 2024, we interviewed Professor Hsu, who pioneered the use of PKB at the University of Leicester. Joining him was one of his early students, Dr. Ethan Maltlyn, who shared how being trained in PKB has shaped his current approach to partnering with patients:


22.02.2024 - New education partnership: University of Winchester Nutrition and Dietetics course

While our collaboration with the nursing and physiotherapy schools at the University of Winchester continues to flourish, February 2024 marked the inaugural use of PKB by the Nutrition and Dietetics BSc program.

The lecturer chose some case study patients from the pool provided by PKB, did some alterations to them, and made them available for students undertaking the Nutrition and Dietetics simulated placement.

The students registered to the Education side of PKB, simulating their role as professionals. They are instructed to review two patient cases on PKB every week, each presenting a variety of conditions along with pertinent test results, measurements, allergies, and medications, and they are tasked with developing a careplan for the patient. The latter was developed by PKB based on the ‘Dietetic care record’ provided by the lecturers, which in turn will be able to review on the platform how the students filled that in.

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Section of the care plan to be filled in by the dietetics students.


02.11.2023 - New education specialty: dietetics

In November 2023, PKB was introduced for the first time within a dietetics course. This happened during a multidisciplinary session at Newcastle University, which saw students from Medicine and Surgery MBBS and Dietetics MDiet collaborating on the PKB platform.

With the support of PKB, the lecturers developed a patient case study, including, among other things, consultation notes from past appointments with other doctors and dietitians, the patient's conditions and medications, measurements, and test results.

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Some of the test results of the case study patients.

Students had the opportunity to log in to the platform as multidisciplinary professionals in the same team, look at a patient case, discuss the case to identify diagnosis/es and develop a management plan. For the latter, the teaching team developed a template on PKB that students were able to fill in.


12.06.2023 - New International education partnership: University of Sharjah - UAE

While we continue expanding our Education Programme in the UK, in June we welcomed our first international partner from the United Arab Emirates: the University of Sharjah.

We are looking forward to start working together to train their medical students on the tools of digital health.

12.06.2023 - New education partnership: University of Suffolk

We are delighted to announce the University of Suffolk not only recently signed our free of charge contract for education, but is also already using PKB during a nursing simulated placement, with a plan to embed our platform in their teaching even more in the future.

The nursing students, who are doing a 7 week simulated placement, are using PKB to review two case study patients per week, each representing the clinical specialty which is explored during the week, such as respiratory, cardiac, neurological, mental health... Activities on the platform include filling in a careplan, reviewing their medications, discussing the management programmes, assessing the test results, and considering social and nursing support.

05.04.2023 - New education partnership: University of Sunderland medical school

The number of schools using PKB to train their healthcare students is constantly growing and we are delighted to share that we have recently welcomed the University of Sunderland Medical School as a new educational partner.

The university just signed our free of charge educational contract, and is planning to start utilising our platform with their medical students as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to working together and document our achievements, that will hopefully serve as an inspiration for more schools willing to train their healthcare students on the tools of digital health.

20.03.2023 - Presentation at Digital Health event: “Benefits of Personal Health Records: a patient and industry perspective”

Patients Know Best (PKB) Lead for Education Federica was invited to talk at the launch event of the Digital Health & Wellbeing Week organised by the University of Winchester. The focus of the presentation were the benefits of a Personal Health Record such as PKB.
The presentation was opened by PKB Patient Ambassador Fran Husson, who focused on benefits of Personal Health Records (PHRs) from a patient perspective.
The second part of the talk focused on benefits of PHRs for clinicians, for the healthcare system in general and for the environment, as well as how it is possible to embed PKB into universities curricula, in order to better prepare healthcare students on the tools of digital health.

Great artist Sandra Howgate summarised key points and concepts of the presentation with a wonderful drawing, describing some of the features of PKB, as well as, of course, its benefits.


26.10.2022 - Education Programme video

We are proud to be able to share with you our brand new video, explaining our Education Programme in a nutshell: 


15.09.2022 - New Education Partners: nursing and physiotherapy

This summer we have welcomed as a new partner of our Education Programme the University of Winchester’s Faculty of Health and Wellbeing.

It is a pleasure to start working with such a great institution, whose mission of building a digitally ready workforce perfectly aligns with ours. The faculty believes that to reach this goal, it is key to start with educating students utilising high quality technology, such as the one PKB provides.

In July, we have been used, in particular, by 18 of their nursing students during a virtual placement, and in September, by 120 physiotherapy students during a simulated placement preparation week. This got us even more delighted as, while the use of PKB in clinical settings is well widespread among these 2 specialties, the University of Winchester was the first in which our platform was used by students of these subjects

If you’d like to know more, read the case study about this work here.

01.09.2022 - Mid-year report

In July 2022, we wrote a mid-year report of our Education work, outlining the highlights of our last 6 months of work. This includes the new schools using PKB, and the ones that contacted us and that would like to start working with us in the near future.

You can read our reports clicking on this link.

24.03.2022 - Finalist in "Best Educational Programme for the NHS"

We are proud to be a finalist in the Best Educational Programme for the NHS in the 2022 HSJ Partnership awards