How do I get my data as a patient in the Netherlands
The below instructions apply to any patient that is connected to a clinical team in the Netherlands only.
How can I use PKB to access my data?
More and more hospitals, general practices, pharmacists, and other healthcare providers are making your medical record available. Your privacy is essential, so the government imposes strict requirements on the suppliers of Personal Health Environments (PGO in Dutch). The MedMij foundation safeguards that privacy by only certifying PGOs such as PKB, that have proven to be safe for access to confidential data. If your care providers also meet the same strict requirements, you can retrieve your file with PKB.
After logging in, you will see the 'Update my record' button on on the home screen. Patients who are connected to a clinical team in the Nehterlands will see this button.
Clicking this button will take the you to MedMij, where you will be asked to select an action. In the below screenshot, the action available is Verzamelen (Collect). This will allow you to retrieve data from your healthcare provider into your PKB record.
You will be asked to select which healthcare provider you would like to retrieve data from. You can select from a list or use the search function. At the top of the list, you will be shown recently selected providers, in the Laatst gekozen zorgaanbieders section.
You will then be asked to select which data service you would like to access. In the below screenshot, the options are Huisartsgegevens (GP data) and Documenten (documents).
After selecting the data service, you will be taken to the DigiD portal, where you will be taken through a sequence of screens to login using your DigiD.
You will be able to login using either:
the DigiD app
an SMS check
with your physical ID
If you select the DigiD app, you will be asked to authenticate by entering the code displayed in the app.
To complete the pairing, scan the QR code displayed on screen with the DigiD app on your mobile phone.
You will then be asked to give permission to share your personal health information. To give permission, click 'Ja, ik geef toestemming' (Yes, I give permission).
You will then be taken to a screen whilst the data collection is set up, in four steps:
Authenticatie (Authentication)
Data ophalen (Retrieve data)
Data verwerken (Process data)
Data verzenden (Send data)
Once these four steps are complete, you will be shown the message 'Verzenden van uq gegevens succesvol' (Sending your data successfully).
You will then be taken back to your PKB record, where the data from the healthcare provider you selected will begin to flow into your record.
How will my data appear in PKB?
Test Results
Data from your health record that does not easily fit into PKB's data types may be sent in via a PDF document.
Can I delete my data?
As a patient, you can delete data in your record in two scenarios:
When you have added the data yourself via the UI
When the data has been added after clicking ‘Update my record’
You cannot delete data added by team professionals, or added to your record by a clinical team outside of the Medmij ‘Update my record’ function.
How do I delete data added after clicking 'Update my record'?
Data that has been added to your record after clicking ‘Update my record’ will have the sending organisation 'Carepoint' as the source. Data points added in this way will have a 'Delete' button in the action menu.
Clicking this 'Delete' button will take you to a screen confirming the data that you are going to delete and informing you that this deletion cannot be undone.
Once the data is deleted, it will not be visible in your record to you or any other user. If you click 'Update my record' again, the sending organisation may re-send data that you have previously deleted. If this happens, the deleted data will reappear in your record and you will have to delete it again.
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