Finding the Plans page
Understanding the Plans page
Here you can add and view your care plans. A care plan is something that supports you in managing your health. It can include instructions on what to do in common situations like a worsening of your condition. It can also contain helpful information or videos about your health as well as your goals and targets in between consultations. You can have multiple plans, each specific to a particular condition.
Ideally you will create the plan together with your health care team so you all agree. Having access to the plan allows you to be better involved in and manage your own health care.
What’s contained in a care plan?
Care plan templates are created by your clinical teams so may be unique for each team. However we will always show any diagnoses, allergies and medications that have been entered in your record. The main body of the plan will usually include an action plan. Action plans can contain information on your care, health goals and advice on monitoring your conditions. Your team may have also selected key tests, symptoms or measurements to be tracked and displayed as part of your plan.
Care plan 'Monitoring' section
Some care plans may contain a monitoring section in which it may monitor tests, measurements or symptoms related to your condition.
Test results
If your care plan monitors test results, you will be shown your latest result for each test monitored and a spark line which plots the last 12 month's of results. If you only have 1 result in the last 12 months, you will not see a spark line.
You can click the 'Go to tests' link to go to the main test results page to see older data, or click on the name of the test to go to that individual test's page.
If your care plan monitors measurements, you will be shown your latest result for each measurement monitored and a spark line which plots the last 6 month's of results. If you only have 1 result in the last 6 months, you will not see a spark line.
You can click the 'Go to measurements' link to go to the main measurements page to see older data., or click on the name of the measurement to go to that individual measurement's page.
If your care plan monitors symptoms, you will be shown the last 6 months of symptom data (or 2 months on a small screen/mobile device).
You can click the 'Go to symptoms' link to go to the main symptoms page to see older data.
How do I add a care plan to my record?
Your clinician may create a plan for you in discussion with you but you can also create a plan yourself.
To create a plan, click 'Add plan' and select from the list of available templates.
If none of the templates are relevant you can create your own care plan from scratch.
What do the red, amber & green sections in my plan mean?
Your team may have provided information on how to monitor your condition and actions to take.
Green is for details of what you would expect when your condition is under control
Amber indicates what you should do if there is a deterioration in your condition
Red indicates what you should do if there is a more severe deterioration in your condition.
It is important to follow any instructions provided and contact your clinical team in the usual way if you are concerned.
How do I update a plan?
You may have have been asked by your clinical team to update an existing plan in your record, perhaps to update your health goals or monitor your symptoms. To make changes to the plan, click on the plan name to open it and then click the pencil icon to edit it.
Once you are happy with the changes, you can click save to store them. Clicking save will create an up-to-date version of the plan.
Below each plan name you can see who last edited a plan and when.
If you do not click ‘Save’ but have entered some data into the plan, an autosave takes place every 60 seconds to automatically capture any unsaved changes. Plans that have been autosaved will display in your list of plans with ‘In Draft’ alongside them so it is clear that the plan is not complete.
If you wish to view previous versions of a plan you can click the version history button and select which version you would like to view. Once a new version is saved, old versions can no longer be edited.
Why can’t I edit my plan?
Some care plan templates have sections that are only editable by team professionals, as requested by the team who created the template. These sections will have the label ‘Only professionals can edit this section’ and will have a different background to differentiate them from the sections that are editable by the patient. Carers, patients and professionals not linked to a PKB organisation cannot edit these sections.
Team professionals can also lock entire plans, meaning you and your carers can no longer edit the plan. When this happens, the ‘Edit’ button is greyed out and the name of the professional and team that locked the plan is displayed.
How do I change the privacy of a plan?
Click on the pencil icon beside the privacy label. Note: changing the privacy may result in some professionals and carers no longer being able to view the plan. Professionals who have previously contributed to the plan will continue to retain access.
See Privacy labels for more details on managing who can access your record.
How do I discuss a plan?
Click ‘Discuss’ next to the plan.
How do I delete a plan from my record?
Click 'Delete' next to the plan, or saved draft, that you wish to delete.
You can only delete plans that you have entered yourself. If you have not created the plan but need it to be deleted, please see our Reporting incorrect data page.
If someone else, such as your carer or a professional, has contributed to the care plan, you will also be unable to delete it.
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