

Finding measurements

Understanding measurements

Here you can record different types of data such as:

  • Vitals (such as BMI, height, weight, and waist size)

  • Exercise (such as steps taken, floors climbed and distance ran)

  • Diet (such as calories, protein, fibre and sodium consumed)

  • Sleep (such as times woken and total sleep)

Click on each category to see recorded measurements.

To see the details of a measurement, click on the measurement name to open its history page.

How do I add a measurement?

On the Measurement page, click 'Add measurements.’

Add the date and time the measurement was taken then click 'Add measurement' and you will be shown a list of measurements. You can search the list by starting to type the measurement you are looking for, or you can scroll through the list. You can add as many measurements as you would like on this form. Click save once complete.

Select the measurement you wish to add

You can start typing to search for the measurement or alternatively you can scroll through the list.

Add the unit and click save

You can use 'Add another measurement' to add multiple items at once

How can I see the history of my measurements?

Click on the particular measurement to see the history of every time that particular measurement has been recorded in your record.

Each measurement will be displayed on a graph, and a list of all the individual measurements will be displayed underneath.

How can I alter the timescale displayed on the graph?

At the top of each graph, you will see 5 options: Day, Week, Month, Year and All. Select the timescale you wish to view and the graph will automatically update. You can also use the arrows to navigate forward and back.

How do I add a device?

On the Measurement page, click 'Add device’. For more information on adding a device, review the devices page.

How can I discuss measurements?

Click the options menu beside the measurement result you wish to discuss from the individual measurements page and select 'Discuss'.

How are the sparklines calculated?

Sparklines show the last 6 months for each measurement.

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