Paediatric records

Paediatric records

Organisations can create patient records for any patient. If a patient wants to register with PKB and view their record, they must be invited via email by a professional or coordinator in their clinical team. Registration via NHS Login or tokens is not an option. 

What if a child is too young to access their record?

When a child is too young to have their own email address and access to PKB, the account should be set up without an email address. A carer account can then be added to the child’s account. This allows the carer to log-in and navigate through to the child’s account. For more information on our carer functionality, please click here.

What happens as a child grows up?

According to the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR 2016) and UK Data Protection Act (DPA 2018), children and young adults can assume control over their personal information, and restrict access to it, from the age of 13. Therefore, when children turn 13, they gain the capacity to manage their PKB record and their consent must be sought over record sharing.  

Until age 16, children will not be able to register for PKB via NHS login or via token registration. Therefore, the only way a child under 16 can register for their PKB record is if they are invited by the clinical team.

At age 12 and 9 months, PKB sends an email to the child and their carers. The message reminds everyone of the upcoming birthday and that the child should have their capacity assessed. The default process is that PKB will automatically remove any carers' access on the child's 13th birthday.

A professional or coordinator in any of the child's teams will have the ability to override this automatic removal, for example if the child does not have capacity or the child has explicitly consented for their carers to continue to have access. 

This removal process will repeat on the child's 16th and 18th birthdays. 

How do I add a growth chart to a paediatric record?

When you add a measurement under height or weight for a child  a growth chart will automatically appear on the page for that measurement until the child is 18 years old. This allows you to see comparisons to typical growth rates help determine if the child is growing appropriately. The data are from the UK WHO growth charts. 

24 months and below the charts appear in months

2-18 years the chart appears in years

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