

Finding the Audio page


Understanding the Audio page

The audio page allows you to upload audio recordings, such as speech therapy sessions, so that they can be stored in a central, easy to access location. You can record a title, the date the audio was recorded and the audio itself.

How do I add audio to my record?

Click 'Add result'. This will allow you to choose a file to upload to the system.


How do I download audio?

Click ‘View’ and then select the name of the file to start downloading it.

How can I correct an audio file?

To correct an audio file, select Edit or Delete next to the specific file. These options are only available for audio files you have added yourself. If you need to correct an audio file that someone else has added to your record, you can send them a message and specify what changes they should make.

How can I change the privacy of an audio file?

To edit the privacy click on the pencil icon beside the privacy label of the audio file and select the new privacy label. Please note: Changing the privacy may result in some professionals and carers no longer being able to access the file.

See Privacy labels for more details on what privacy labels are.

How can I discuss an audio file?

Select one or more audio files and click 'Discuss selections'.


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