Coordinator Connected Systems

Coordinator Connected Systems

Finding the Connected Systems page

Understanding the Connected Systems page

An organisation administrator can manage which third-party systems can access their organisation's data using our FHIR APIs from this page. New third-party systems can be granted access or have their access revoked. 

SystmOne single sign-on can also be set-up from this page.

How can I set-up SystmOne single sign-on?

Please see our SystmOne single sign-on instructions for the steps. 

How can I give a third-party system access to my patients’ data?

A third-party system is an external system that wants to access your organisation's data. For example, this could be to mass register your patients, get a read-receipt for letters, display data from Patients Know Best or to send data into PKB for your patients. 

If a third-party system wants to access data for patients in your organisation, you will need to grant them access first. 

The third-party will need to have integrated with Patients Know Best before you can grant them access. The integration steps can be found in our developer wiki.

Systems that are granted access from this page have integrated with Patients Know Best using a System Client ID. Once access is granted the third-party system will be able to use our FHIR APIs to access your patients’ data. 

The steps to add a new connection are:

  1. Click on the ‘Add connection’ button. 

  1. Enter either the third-party system name, company name or client ID in the search box. We will return exact matches only. 

  2. Click on ‘Search’

  1. To grant access, click on ‘Grant access’

  1. Review the details of the third-party system that you are granting access to and click on ‘Grant access’.

How can I revoke access for a third-party system?


  1. On the Connected Systems page, beside the third-party system name, click on ‘Revoke access’.

How can I view the details of a third-party system?

  1. Click on View to review the details of a third-party system. 

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