Code Set

Code Set

What are code sets?

Code sets are a way of standardising data that is sent between different medical systems. PKB accepts coded data sent via HL7 in ADT^A28 and ADT^A31 messages and from the EMIS extract service for allergies, diagnoses and medications. 

PKB uses code information to replace some of the information (or code values) sent to us with a more user-friendly display. For example rather than hospital service “rnlstmarys” we show the patient “renal department at St Mary’s Hospital”. These code sets will have been supplied by your organisation. For a more detailed explanation on code sets, please see our developer documentation http://dev.patientsknowbest.com/home/hl7-api/code-sets

How can I check which code sets we are using?

As an Organisation administrator, you can click ‘Code Sets’ on the menu toolbar. This will display all code sets being used for your organisation. This will also display the privacy label associated with each code. If you need these code sets changing, please contact us.



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