Patient Advisory Group

Patient Advisory Group

Patients Know Best - Patient Advisory Group 

PKB has always gathered feedback regularly through our network of users and our support desk so that we can respond more effectively to needs with informed solutions.  We are expanding this by organising Patient Advisory Groups to engage with patients so we can better understand the patient experience of PKB and gather insight and feedback directly. These groups give patients an opportunity to share their experiences and provide PKB with the ability to seek advice and feedback in a structured discussion format.

We are planning to run small groups on a quarterly basis, initially starting with patients linked to specific regions or hospital Trusts.  

We are seeking users in regions with similar usage of PKB, therefore, we are initially looking for the following communities to be represented: 

  • Patients or carers in North West London 

  • Patients or carers in Sussex 

Sessions will be held as online meetings, lasting approximately 60 minutes.  

We appreciate patients' valuable time and contribution to our meeting, so as a token of gratitude, we offer attendees compensation for attendance with a £20 voucher for Amazon or Marks & Spencer.

Register your interest to attend a Patient Advisory Group meeting

If you are interested in attending one of the Patient Advisory Groups, please take a moment to read through both the Terms of Reference for the group and our User Research Privacy Notice then complete the following form:  Sign up for Patient Advisory Group 

 If you’re a potential match for an upcoming Advisory Group session we’ll give you all the details in advance by email and you can decide whether you want to participate or not before we send you an invitation. 

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© Patients Know Best, Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 6517382. VAT Number: GB 944 9739 67.