Coordinator navigation improvements - In progress

Coordinator navigation improvements - In progress

Improving navigation of PKB for coordinators - Usability testing


There were a number of reasons we chose to redesign the coordinator navigation. Firstly, we had received some feedback that certain areas of PKB were harder to locate than others. Secondly, as part of our review of accessibility in PKB, we noticed some areas of navigation didn’t work perfectly with screen-readers. Therefore, the goal of this project was to re-design navigation in PKB for coordinators to help users navigate through their record more easily and address any accessibility issues at the same time.

We started the project by collating and reviewing previous feedback & detailing accessibility issues. We then worked on new designs & built a prototype to be used in usability testing. We ran several usability sessions with patients to check the new style of navigation was intuitive and easy to use.

The usability sessions included a ‘card-sorting’ exercise & asking the user to complete a set of tasks on a prototype of new navigation. We asked users to talk through their thoughts during each task to tell us what they were thinking & doing so we could understand their decision-making process.








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