Example QuestionnaireResponse resource (GAD7)

This page contains example JSON for a QuestionnaireResponse generated from the advanced questionnaires feature. This QuestionnaireResponse was generated from a patient completing the GAD7 Questionnaire. This is the format you will receive the QuestionnaireResponse in when you retrieve it from the QuestionnaireResponse endpoint.


{ "questionnaire": "http://base-url.com/fhir/Questionnaire/gad7|1.0", "meta": { "profile": [ "urn:fhir:extension:SDCQuestionnaireResponseRules", "urn:fhir:extension:SDCQuestionnaireResponseScores" ], "lastUpdated": "2023-08-22T11:38:09.462038Z", "createdAt": "2023-08-22T11:38:01.087930Z", "versionId": "89" }, "item": [ { "text": "Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge", "answer": [ { "value": { "Coding": { "code": "LA6569-3", "score": 1, "system": "http://loinc.org", "display": "Several days" } } } ], "linkId": "69725-0" }, { "text": "Not being able to stop or control worrying", "answer": [ { "value": { "Coding": { "code": "LA6570-1", "score": 2, "system": "http://loinc.org", "display": "More than half the days" } } } ], "linkId": "68509-9" }, { "text": "Worrying too much about different things", "answer": [ { "value": { "Coding": { "code": "LA6571-9", "score": 3, "system": "http://loinc.org", "display": "Nearly every day" } } } ], "linkId": "69733-4" }, { "text": "Trouble relaxing", "answer": [ { "value": { "Coding": { "code": "LA6570-1", "score": 2, "system": "http://loinc.org", "display": "More than half the days" } } } ], "linkId": "69734-2" }, { "text": "Being so restless that it is hard to sit still", "answer": [ { "value": { "Coding": { "code": "LA6568-5", "score": 0, "system": "http://loinc.org", "display": "Not at all" } } } ], "linkId": "69735-9" }, { "text": "Becoming easily annoyed or irritable", "answer": [ { "value": { "Coding": { "code": "LA6570-1", "score": 2, "system": "http://loinc.org", "display": "More than half the days" } } } ], "linkId": "69689-8" }, { "text": "Feeling afraid, as if something awful might happen", "answer": [ { "value": { "Coding": { "code": "LA6569-3", "score": 1, "system": "http://loinc.org", "display": "Several days" } } } ], "linkId": "69736-7" }, { "text": "GAD-7 Anxiety Severity Score", "answer": [ { "value": { "integer": 11 } } ], "linkId": "/70274-6", "rule-description": "A + B + C + D + E + F + G\n\nWhere:\n* A = Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge\n* B = Not being able to stop or control worrying\n* C = Worrying too much about different things\n* D = Trouble relaxing\n* E = Being so restless that it is hard to sit still\n* F = Becoming easily annoyed or irritable\n* G = Feeling afraid, as if something awful might happen" } ], "resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse", "status": "completed", "id": "a009317f-741f-4cfe-817b-c8d56a6db7aa", "authored": "2023-08-22T11:38:09.425887Z", "basedOn": { "id": "12345", "resourceType": "ServiceRequest" }, "subject": { "id": "morgan", "resourceType": "Patient" } }

How to read this QuestionnaireResponse resource

The above QuestionnaireResponse resource is in JSON format and adheres to the FHIR R4 standard. The FHIR QuestionnaireResponse resource spec can be found here. Key information it contains includes:



Where is this defined?



Where is this defined?


A ID referring to the associated Questionnaire resource, in the format:


Created from the URL and version fields of the associated Questionnaire resource


The answers provided by the patient to the questions they answered

Created based on the patient’s answers. linkId links the answers to the questions on the Questionnaire resource


A formula detailing how a score was calculated

This is set by PKB when the questionnaire is built


The status of the QuestionnaireResponse resource

This changes depending on whether the patient has submitted their questionnaire or whether it is in draft


A reference to the ServiceRequest generated when the questionnaire request is sent

Generated when the ServiceRequest is created.


A reference to the Patient resource of the patient answering the questionnaire

Generated based on the patient that the questionnaire was sent to