Professional homepage

Professional homepage


The professional homepage is quite similar to that of a patient. One difference is that instead of a 'Settings' button, it is instead labelled 'My account.' Selecting My account will load your profile where they are able to change your personal details.


Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 14.29.09.png
Record header showing the ‘Profile’ button.

There is a menu bar to navigate around the system which is displayed at the top of the homepage.

You also have the ability to search for patients on your homepage. You are able to search by unique ID (such as a national identifier), the patient's date of birth or the patient's name.

When searching for a patient, you have two options in the 'From' dropdown where the system can search:

  • My list - this is what the system has by default. If 'My list' is selected, the system will only search patients within your team.

  • Organisation name - the other option in the 'From' dropdown is the name of your organisation. If you select this, the system will search every patient within your organisation (so they do not have to be in your team to be returned in the search).

There is also an 'Add patient' button which allows you to quickly invite any patients to start using PKB.



You can easily view messages sent to you from patients and other professionals by looking at the Notifications section.

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