Non-institutional professionals

Non-institutional professionals

What is a non-institutional professional?

A non-institutional professional is someone who provides clinical care to a patient but is not associated with any teams within a PKB organisation. For example, a GP could be added to a patient record as a non-institutional professional if their GP practice does not use PKB.

How do I add a non-institutional professional?

Within a patient record, go to Sharing > Professionals and click ‘Add an individual.’ Complete the form and an invitation will be sent to the professional’s email for them to complete.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 13.53.17.png
The ‘Add an individual’ button.

Is there anything a non-institutional professional cannot do?

A non-institutional professional has fewer functions available to them than a team professional. These include:

  • Unable to create new patients

  • Unable to reset patient passwords

  • Unable to send a new consultation or add new plans 

  • No access to the patient's record if a patient stops sharing with them

  • Can only edit phone number, language and timezone on the patient's profile page (demographic information)

  • Unable to view the patient's timeline view

  • Cannot view data that has a privacy label they do not have access to, even if they added the data themselves

I have received an invitation to use Patients Know Best from a patient, what does this mean? 

Patients can add an individual professional to access their record as a non-institutional professional. A patient's other professionals or their carers can also invite a non-institutional professional to access the patient's record. 

You will get an invitation by email when a patient invites you. Complete the registration form to create your account. When you log in, you will need to accept the patient's invitation under Team > Pending invitations to be able to view their record. 

Where do I find patients that I look after as a non-institutional professional? 

A professional can have a non-institutional professional role and a team professional role at the same time. A professional can select their non-institutional role from the team selector by choosing 'Professional'. 

Patients that a professional is caring for outside of their team can only be found on their list when they have selected their non-institutional professional role. 

A patient can be on both your team list and your non-institutional professional list if you are both in a team that the patient is part of and the patient has independently invited you to care for them. 

The ‘Select your team’ drop down.

How do I remove my access to a patient's record? 

If you do not want to have access to a patient's record, you can turn off sharing. To do this, open the patient's record and go to Sharing > Professionals. Scroll down to 'Individuals' and click on the 'Edit' button. Disable sharing and save your change. 

When you remove access, the patient needs to invite you to access their record again. You will no longer be able to access their record or view messages that you have exchanged with them. 

You will still be able to log in as an non-institutional professional and will find a list of patient records that you previously had access to under Team > Past patients.

Why can't I see data that I added to a patient's record?

As a non-institutional professional, you can only see data that you have the appropriate privacy label access to see. If you add data to a patient's record and give it a privacy label that you do not have access to, you will not be able to see that data in the patient's record. The patient and anyone else with access to their record that can see data with that privacy label will be able to see the data that you added.

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