Timeline view

Timeline view

Where can I find the timeline & what is it for?

The timeline appears for professionals on the patient's summary page. The timeline’s purpose is to show a clear visual representation of activity in the patient’s record, so that when you look at a record for the first time you can get an idea of the patient’s health activity.

What is included in the timeline?

Events & messages swim lane

The Events and messages swim lane shows activity such as hospital visits, documents, appointments & consultations. There is a key at the top of the time lime to show the different types of activity that could appear on this swim lane & what icon it will be represented with.

Clicking on an event within the swim lane opens a pop-up box with further detail of that event such as the subject, location and source details.

You can navigate date range shown on the time line by year or month.

Tests & Imaging swim lanes

The Tests and Imaging swim lanes are shown below the Events & messages swim lane. These swim lanes show a blue dot on days that have data. Clicking on any of these swim lanes will take the user to the detailed page for that section.

The timeline view showing an outpatient appointment.

Symptoms & Measurements swim lanes (coming soon)

We will also be adding swim lanes for symptoms & measurements . These swim lanes will be in the same format as the Tests & Imaging lanes.

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