Connecting PKB to Omron Connect
OMRON have integrated their OMRON Connect app with PKB to allow users to share their data with their PKB record.
Step 1 - Register for Omron Connect
Download OMRON Connect app from the Apple or Google app store and register.
If you have already registered for the Omron Connect app, please sign in. If you are already registered and using a version of the app above 7.1.0 (292), please skip to step 2.
To register, click 'Sign up here'.
Enter your name, email address, and password and select your country.
Read and agree to the Omron Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.
In order to establish the link between OMRON and PKB, you need to upload your readings to the cloud. If you are happy with this, please leave the above box unchecked.
You will then receive an email from OMRON asking you to verify your email address. Once you have followed the link in the email, you will be shown a page telling you that your account setup is complete.
Step 2 - Complete account setup
If you have registered with the OMRON App in the past, you may need to migrate your data to the new app. If this is the case, you will see a screen when you log into the OMRON Connect app warning you that your data has not been migrated. Click ‘Take me to the old omron connect app’ and follow the on-screen instructions. Once your data has been transferred to the new app, you will see a screen informing you that your data has been transferred.
Now that you are registered and logged into the OMRON Connect app, you should ensure that your settings are correct. You may be asked to subscribe or to link a device at this stage, but you can skip these steps in order to complete your account setup by clicking ‘Skip’ in the top-right corner.
Navigate to the settings page by clicking the blue plus (+) icon at the bottom of the screen and selecting ‘Profile’.
From this menu, click ‘Account Settings’ and ensure your details are correct, including having Country set to ‘United Kingdom’ and having ‘Store my readings in cloud’ as ‘Yes’.
Step 3 - Connect devices
At this point, you can connect OMRON devices to the app. Navigate to the Profile screen by clicking the blue plus (+) icon. From here, click ‘Connected devices’, where you will see any devices that you have connected.
Click ‘Add new device’ and select the device that you would like to add. Follow the on-screen instructions to pair the device with the app. Once the device is connected, it will appear on the ‘Connected devices’ screen.
Step 4 - Connect to PKB
To connect your OMRON Connect app to PKB, navigate to the ‘App Settings’ screen by clicking the blue plus (+) icon, clicking ‘Profile’ and then ‘App Settings’.
From the App settings screen, click ‘PKB’. If you do not see PKB in the ‘Share details with other apps’ panel, it is likely that you have not turned on cloud storage. To do this, navigate to the Account Settings page and ensure ‘Store my readings in cloud’ is set to ‘Yes’.
When you click PKB, you will be taken to a screen explaining the benefits of linking your accounts. From this screen, you can either link your PKB account or, if you do not have a PKB account, create one.
Click ‘Link my PKB’ account and PKB will launch in your mobile device’s browser. To grant access to PKB, you need to enter your PKB username and password and click ‘Approve’.
You will then be taken back to the OMRON Connect app, where you can choose which measurements you would like OMRON to share with PKB.
If you wish to terminate the link between OMRON and PKB, click ‘Unlink’.
Step 5 - Connect to Apple Health
If you have an Apple device, you can connect your OMRON Connect app to Apple Health, allowing you to view data such as step counts in the app and, therefore, in your PKB record.
To do this, click ‘Apple Health’ on the App Settings screen and then click ‘Link’.
To select which data to share between Apple Health and OMRON, go to ‘Data Access & Devices’ in the Health page of the Settings app on your Apple device. From here, select OMRON Connect and choose which data you would like to share.
The measurements you have selected will then be displayed in your OMRON Connect app and, if connected, your PKB record.
Step 6 - Viewing and recording measurements
Once your device is connected, you will be able to view any measurements from within the OMRON Connect app. To do this, click the ‘Dashboard’ icon on the navigation bar, which will take you to the home screen.
On the home screen, your Blood Pressure, Activity and Weight measurements are displayed. To view all readings and add new readings, click on the relevant panel. For example, to add a new Blood Pressure reading, click on the blue ‘Blood Pressure’ panel.
This screen will display any Blood Pressure readings that you have recorded, either manually or via a connected device. To add a new reading, click ‘Manual Reading’, enter the values, and click ‘Save’.
The Blood Pressure reading will then be shown on the Blood Pressure screen and in the Blood Pressure panel on the home screen.
If you have linked the app to PKB, this Blood Pressure reading will also be visible in your PKB record.
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