Viewing patient data
How do I access a patient record?
Firstly, search for your patient. Clicking on the patient will take you to their summary screen which has a convenient summary of the salient parts of the record.
The summary screen includes the patient's timeline to show a clear visual representation of activity in the patient’s record.
What data can I see in the record?
You will always be able to see data that your team has added to a patient’s record. You will always be able to see messages, questionnaires and plans that you were collaborating with the patient on.
If the patient is not in your team, you will not have access to any other data in the record.
If the patient is in your team, your access to other data in the record is determined by the privacy labels that you have permission to see. For example, if your team only has access to ‘general health’, you will not see data labelled as ‘sexual health’, ‘mental heath’ or ‘social care'.
How can I navigate to the parts of the record?
You can navigate to other sections using the ribbon below the banner.
The professional and patient views are almost identical. Click below for more detail on each section.
Exporting data from plans
How do I export data from a care plan?
From the plans page, click on the ‘Export plan' button, then select which plan you wish to export and then select 'Latest' or 'All'. 'Latest' will download the newest version of the care plan, whereas 'All' will download every version. When the export has completed, the professional will receive an email notification with a link to the 'Plans' tab.
Please note that exporting the data may take a long time because the system has to pull data for each patient to populate the CSV.
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