Our Educational Partners

Our Educational Partners

We are pleased to be working with healthcare education providers across the UK and internationally.


  • University of Sunderland, School of Medicine

  • University of Birmingham, School of Pharmacy

  • Aston University, School of Pharmacy

  • Cardiff University, School of Medicine

  • Bangor University, School of Medical Sciences

  • Edge Hill, School of Medicine


  • University of Sharjah, School of Medicine


To find out more about using PKB with your students, please click here to contact us or email education@patientsknowbest.com

All our partners use us in a variety of ways, including the examples listed below. You can read more about our models of deployment by clicking here.

University of Leicester, Medical School


The Medical School at the University of Leicester was the first school that started using PKB for education back in 2014.

Initially, the University of Leicester decided to use us with actors, but after some time they started to involve real patient volunteers, to teach students remote consultation skills.
Eery year, around 300 students work divided into groups to talk with patients with long-term conditions using PKB secure messaging feature

Newcastle University Medical School

Students at Newcastle University school of medical education in both Newcastle Upon Tyne and Malaysia started using PKB at the beginning of 2022.

First year medical students used our platform with case study records: module leads have created case studies of patients for whom students can view care plans, input medications and view test results.

This work was part of a cross-campus learning tool with NUMed Malaysia – an international branch campus – which provides medical and biomedical degree programmes equivalent to those of Newcastle University’s UK-based provision, but contextualised for Malaysia.

University of Manchester, School of Medicine

The University of Manchester is the largest medical school in the UK, and it started using PKB in September 2021. Since then, each academic year, 500 students, divided in 120 groups, interact on our platform.

The professors gave us some case study data, based on which we created some case study patients in our servers. The students look at those fictitious patients on PKB and try to solve the medical case, in the context of problem based learning, practising their patients management skills.

Liverpool John Moores University, School of Pharmacy

LJMU University has used PKB since 2019, initially with case study patients, then with students role-playing, and later with actual patient volunteers.

Year 1 pharmacy school students took on the simulated role of the patient and focussed on communicating with Year 3 students who in turn, simulated the role of the pharmacists. Year 2 students also worked with Year 4 students in this way.

The students playing the role of the ‘patients’ used the messaging facility in PKB to communicate with their ‘pharmacists’ about their medication and to get help and advice. The ‘pharmacists’, thanks to our functionalities, were able to view more health information about the patient enabling them to provide a more detailed and accurate response. It also allowed them to view other medications the patient was taking and consider side effects and notice anomalies.

The university switched then to another model of use, with students allocated to work in groups and interacting with real patient volunteers.

City University, School of Midwifery

At City University midwifery course, PKB has been used since 2017. Our platform is used to help with the interactive storytelling element of the module, allowing the students to get an opportunity to use technology in their communications with their patients and enhance the students' understanding of the holistic care of a patient.

Students were divided into different storytelling groups and worked together to play different characters in the story: two students in each group played the role of a midwife and two students played the role of a patient, all using PKB to simulate a real life experience. The ‘patient’ students logged their symptoms, filled in journal entries and sent messages to the ‘midwife’ student all in real time. Roles were swapped halfway through the module when a new patient character was introduced - this allowed students to get experience of both roles.

University of Winchester, Schools of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Dietetics

Our work with the University of Winchester began in June 2022, and involved 30 students from the Department of Nursing, utilising PKB during a virtual placement. This use has been repeated also the following years, with new students.

In September of 2022, PKB was used for the first time also by the Physiotherapy School at the same university, during their “Simulated placement preparation week”. More than a hundred students logged into our platform and looked at 2 patient records - that displayed data such as diagnosis, medications, and ED notes - while interacting with a patient actor. The students were then asked to fill in some care plans for the patients: a respiratory assessment one and a musculoskeletal one.

In September 2023 the School of Physiotherapy introduced the use of PKB during a module called ‘Developing Complexity in Musculoskeletal Practice’, with students being able to look at the patients' records, discuss it in groups, and develop treatment plans.

In February 2024, the Nutrition and Dietetics BSc programme also started to use the PKB platform during a simulated placement.

University of Suffolk, School of Nursing

The University of Suffolk started using PKB in June 2023, similarly to the University of Winchester, during a nursing simulated placement.
The nursing students, who were doing a 7 week simulated placement, were using PKB to review two case study patients per week, each representing the clinical specialty which is explored during the week, such as respiratory, cardiac, neurological, mental health... Activities on the platform included filling in a careplan, reviewing the medications, discussing the management programmes, assessing the test results, and considering social and nursing support.


Use of PKB is flexible to your needs, contact us and we will discuss together what could the best option for your students.

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