

Finding the consultations page


What are consultations?

Consultations are sets of questions that professionals can send out for completion by you, your carers and even other professionals who treat you. They allow your professionals to easily gather information from you without you having to attend a physical appointment.


How do I complete a consultation?

If you are sent a consultation you will receive an email notification to alert you of this, the message will include a link to complete the consultation and your responses will be sent back to the sender.

If you would like to complete a consultation yourself, click ‘Start consultation’ in Events & messages. Select the consultation you would like to complete, who you wish to send it to, and fill in the subsequent form.

How do I change the privacy of a consultation?

Click on on the pencil icon beside the privacy label of the consultation and select the new privacy label. Please note: Changing the privacy may result in some professionals and carers no longer being able to view the consultation.

See Privacy labels for more details on what privacy labels are.

Why is my consultation no longer available?

Organisations have the ability to hide consultations which are no longer relevant. If this is the case, you will be returned to your homepage and will see the following message when trying to complete a consultation which has been hidden.


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