Request a Live Site

Request a Live Site

In order to create the live site PKB requires a number of pieces of information, which your Success PM will gather from you in preparation.

  • Name of the organisation (and whether the organisation is already using PKB in other teams)

  • Name of the team

  • Country the team is based in

  • Team speciality (this will be chosen from a pre-existing list within PKB)

  • Name and email address for the first coordinator

  • Artwork- header, footer and logo

  • What IDs the team use- are organisation IDs (e.g. hospital number) or team IDs (e.g. GUM clinic number) used by the team

  • Which consent label should be applied to data added by the team- (one of general health, mental health, sexual health or social care)

  • What level of access would the team like as default to patient accounts- (can choose multiple from general health, mental health, sexual health and social care)

The Success Team PM for your project will fill out the following form in order to request the live site creation (internal link only)

Here is a Link to form