Access by Default

Access by Default

Every organisation which is set up in PKB must have a Patient Records Team (PRT). This is where all patient records will be created via HL7 integration.

Patient Record Team (PRT)

The PRT is set up to have No Access to patient data by default (this is done by PKB when the Organisation is created).

Data Quality Professional

It is advisable to have at least one person who is identified as a Data Quality Professional who has 'Professional' access in the PRT to check any data quality issues. For instance, if there is a query over test results in a patient's record. As the PRT is set up with no access to data the Data Quality Professional will have to break the glass each time they check a patient's record.

Team Professional

If a professional wants to add a patient to their specialty team, they can do this by searching for the patient within their team under the Organisation name, and click ‘Add to team’.

At this point, the professional can decide what part of the record they want to have access to.

If the patient is registered they will get an automated email notification informing them they have been added to a specialty team and what access the team have.

The patient can change the access at any point.


The PRT needs to have two or more permanent employees of the IT department as the Team Coordinators to manage PKB for the Organisation.