Benefit Prerequisite Questions 

Benefit Prerequisite Questions 

The following questions are intended for the Success PM to discuss with the project lead or benefits lead in order to explore the benefits and outcomes they aim to achieve through the use of PKB. This can be done during the kickoff meeting or over multiple meetings as more information is gathered and the organisation/team gains a better understanding of PKB's key features and capabilities.

Problem Identification and Objective

  1. What problems are the organisation/team trying to solve?

    • Describe the specific challenges or pain points you aim to address.

  2. What does the business case aim to achieve at the organisational level?

    • Outline the high-level objectives and expected benefits for the organisation.

Goals and Outcomes

  1. What are the primary goals of using PKB?

    • Explain the reasons and motivations behind implementing PKB (the why).

  2. What specific outcomes do you want to achieve?

    • Identify the desired results, such as improved patient outcomes, enhanced efficiency, reduced costs through digital letters, reduced appointment times, or reduced need for follow up etc.

Case Studies and Metrics

  1. What case studies do you aim to develop?

    • List potential case studies that could demonstrate the benefits of PKB.

  2. What metrics are needed to validate these case studies?

    • Define the key metrics to measure success, current appointment time, phone calls, DNA rates, letter costs etc

Pathway Focus

  1. Is there a specific pathway focus?

    • Examples: PIFU (Patient-Initiated Follow-Up), peri-operative care, elective recovery, waiting well, etc. 

Leadership and Responsibility

  1. Who is the lead for benefits realisation?

    • Identify the person responsible for tracking and reporting benefits (if there is someone).

  2. Who is leading the clinical transformation workstream?

    • Specify the leader driving clinical changes and adoption of PKB (if there is someone)

    • Add to risk register if there isn't

Specialities and Departments

  1. What are the speciality focuses?

    • List the clinical specialities and departments involved in the PKB implementation.

Implementation Timelines

  1. When is the planned organisational-level go-live date for the central library, care plans, and consultation/questionnaire templates?

    • Provide the target date for the initial roll-out.

    • What features and content they want to use. PKB has generic care plan and questionnaire templates

  2. What is the specialty-level go-live date?

    • Detail the go-live dates for each speciality or department.