Finding the Files page
How do I upload a file to my record?
Click 'Add File.' This will allow you to select a file to upload and add additional details
How do I edit a file?
Select the pencil icon next to ‘Edit’ on the file. This will allow you to amend the notes.
How can I change the privacy of a file?
To edit privacy click on the pencil icon beside the privacy label of the file and select the new privacy label. Please note: Changing the privacy may result in some professionals and carers no longer being able to view the file.
See Privacy labels for more details on what privacy labels are.
How do I delete a file?
Select the tickbox next to each file you wish to delete and then select the delete button.
Note: Anyone with access can delete a file from a record, regardless of who uploaded the file.
How can I discuss a file?
Select each file you wish to discuss and then click ‘Discuss’
See Events & messages for more details on how messaging works in your record.
What types of files can be viewed?
Images: jpeg, jpg, png, gif
Microsoft Word documents: these are converted to PDF
If an attachment is not possible to view within PKB it will be available to download.
Can I upload videos?
Yes, it is possible to upload videos. For more information on uploading videos, please click here
If any threats are found when uploading files, the upload will be stopped. This includes blocking dangerous file extensions. Normally PKB displays PDFs within your record, although if we detect that a PDF includes embedded Javascript and/or files then the PDF will be available for download only as a precaution.
The following table shows how our security rules will apply. Note that .docx files will be converted to PDFs and follow the rules for PDF.
We don’t accept .rar files due to potential security risks. If you wish to upload a .rar file to your record, extract the files first & then you should be able to upload them.
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