Respiratory Teams

Respiratory Teams

Patients Know Best (PKB) has been used by different respiratory teams over the years to better manage the cohort of patients, from a lung defence team,  assisting their patients with remote monitoring of their complex lung infection, COPD and asthma teams and Interstitial Lung Disease team to improve communications and information to patients to patients.

This deploy page will show you how different respiratory services can use PKB and features teams are already using with their patients. 

Current problems

  • Teams experience a high level of face-to-face appointments

  • Telephone conversations are lengthy

  • Teams want to give patients online resources to support self-management

  • Teams want patients to have access to their blood results

  • Teams want to enable digital consent

  • Patients travel long distances for short hospital appointments

  • With large waiting times, patient conditions can improve and deteriorate, meaning care and health needs change 

  • High DNA rates

PKB solutions

  • A central, secure place for information and healthcare data to sit in the hands of the patient

  • Empowers patients to contribute to their own  goals and care plans

  • Provides access to prevention and health promotion resources

  • Access to management advice, with patients being fully involved in their care through shared decision-making and self-management

  • Digital care plans

  • Supporting patients at home 

  • Universal messaging, the ability for patients and teams to send messages in a timely, flexible way and all in the patient's record

PKB benefits

  • Individualised care plans

  • Appropriate resource library specific to the patient’s condition

  • Timely and flexible messaging between patients and team

  • Digital appointment letters and appointments

  • Access to laboratory results

  • Symptom and measurement tracker

  • National quality of life questionnaires

  • Digital consent

  • Completion of consultations and PROMs 

  • The ability for hospital PAS to add patients to the relevant team in PKB (i.e. pain/surgical/rehab team)

Use cases of PKB

The below examples show how PKB is being used in respiratory services, if you would like to know more about these teams and want to start using PKB in your service please speak to your Success PM or look at our case studies here for more examples of how PKB is being used in other specialty areas.

PKB features

There are key PKB features all orthopaedic services can use with their patients to support them while they wait, both preop and post-operatively.  A list of them is below.


  • Patients have access to message their healthcare team(saving time on the phone)

  • The Admin team can triage messages.  Either resolving or passing onto another speciality team

  • Universal Messaging is the ability for patients to message clinical and non-clinical teams

  • Team-based messaging allows teams to automatically receive secure messages and questionnaires as a group rather than as individuals

iPad Outline - Messaging.png


Patients can initiate a questionnaire by clicking Start Questionnaire on their homepage or directly within the NHS App. Once completed, the questionnaire can be sent to a professional or team.

Teams using the questionnaire tool can ensure the outcome of clinical reviews is recorded and the patient has a copy. Teams can also identify patients suitable for virtual appointments or pre-operative assessment questionnaires.

PKB's advanced questionnaire functionality

The features include:

  • Scoring and calculations

  • Branching, allowing patients to complete the parts of the questionnaire that are relevant to them

  • Coded fields questionnaires can be mapped to clinical codes

  • Patients can save drafts

  • Send questionnaires to patients who aren’t registered or already in your team

Questionnaire templates



  • Central trust library for advice, services and information

  • Disease and condition information with advice and resources

  • Treatment plans, for example, a rehab program with videos and advice a patient needs to watch and read each week

  • How to take medication or manage home oxygen 

  • Advice on Living well, including exercise, healthy eating, quitting smoking and alcohol recommendations

  • Details and links to National and local support groups and website

  • Professional alliance information

  • Treatments options for orthopaedic conditions and pain management

Care plans

PKB care plans can be used at every stage of a patient's condition journey, below are some of the care plan templates being used and templates that can be created.

Add and view data

  • Patients can view hospitals and GP data  where integration with PKB has been set up

  • Data can include blood tests, x-ray reports, clinic and appointment letters, appointments and discharge summaries 

  • Patients can add information themselves, including operations and conditions

  • Patients can track key measurements and add any symptoms related to their orthopaedic condition

Example goal for using PKB

Reduce the number of patients not attending appointments (DNA) of the respiratory team by Sept 2023 (12 months post team go live) from (current DNA rate) to ( %) by sending all appointment letters and appointment details into PKB instead of by post. Current DNA rates are (%). 12 months post go live, the team compare DNA rates of patients with and without a PKB record. It is a local NHS priority to reduce DNAs to save money.

Further information