PKB's Digital Personalised Videos

PKB's Digital Personalised Videos


Mr Duffy, a consultant at Harrogate & District NHS Foundation Trust (HDFT), is transforming post-operative follow-up care by utilising the PKB messaging service by sending personalised digital video messages to his patients. Recognising that patients often struggle to retain information after day surgical procedures.

Welcomed by patients, this easy-to-replicate programme reduces unnecessary follow-up appointments and minimises pressure from unscheduled GP or emergency visits, freeing up valuable clinical time. Click the link to read the full case study on Transforming post-operative follow-up.


Prevent patients from leaving the hospital without proper post-operative information about their operation and post-operative information and support. Reduce post-operative complications and follow-up appointments. Patients are leaving hospital without information about their operation and the routine post-operative advice.


PKB can support all aspects of peri-operative pathways with our messaging, questionnaire, and care plan features. These features, alongside clinical data sent to a patient's PKB record, provide clinicians with a secure communication tool to help reduce postoperative follow-ups by digitally engaging patients.


Patients are sent a message with a video from the consultant explaining what procedure was done and a detailed set of images from the procedure, better informing them of what happened in the operation and any relevant post-operative advice. This reduces the ward round after surgery for the doctor and provides information the patient can digest and read/watch when they get home.

Sharing videos and reports via PKB Messaging

How to send a Message 

Professional logs into PKB



Professional homepage







Patient gets notification that there is a new message in their record.

Current Problems

  • Teams experience a high level of face-to-face appointments

  • Teams want to give patients online resources

  • Patients travel long distances for short hospital appointments

  • With large waiting times, patient conditions can improve and deteriorate, meaning care and health needs change 

  • Patients not receiving post-operative advice or surgical notes

  • Consultants have long post-operative ward rounds

PKB Solutions

  • PKB enables individualised care planning

  • A central, secure place for information and healthcare data to sit in the hands of the patient

  • Empowers patients to contribute to their own goals and care plans

  • Provides access to prevention and health promotion resources

  • Access to management advice, with patients being fully involved in their care through shared decision-making and self-management

  • Enhanced recovery care plans for elective recovery pathways 

  • Supporting patients at home 

  • Universal messaging, the ability for patients and teams to send messages in a timely, flexible way and all in the patient's record

PKB Benefits

  • Reduce the need for follow-up

  • Increase team efficiency

  • Save money

  • Reduce appointments


PKB Features

Key PKB features all orthopaedic services can use with their patients to support them while they wait, both preop and post-operatively. A list of them is below.


  • Patients have access to message their healthcare team (saving time on the phone)

  • The Admin team can triage messages. Either resolving or passing onto another speciality team

  • Universal Messaging is the ability for patients to message clinical and non-clinical teams

  • Team-based messaging allows teams to automatically receive secure messages and questionnaires as a group rather than as individuals


  • Central organisation library for advice, services and information

  • Disease and condition information with advice and resources

  • Treatment plans, for example, a rehab program with videos and advice a patient needs to watch and read each week

  • Rehabilitation information

  • Advice on Living well, including exercise, healthy eating, quitting smoking and alcohol recommendations

  • Details and links to National and local support groups and website

  • Professional alliance information

  • Treatment options for orthopaedic conditions and pain management

Care Plans

Care plan templates can be used to standardise the way that information is shared with a patient following their surgical procedure. Plans can educate patients on the procedures they have had, as well as provide follow-up advice, guidance, and support. Teams can create interactive procedure-specific care plans or generalised plans to support all patients undergoing a procedure.

Care plans can include

  • Educational materials such as embedded images and videos

  • Generic resources, organisation-specific resources or tailored personal videos 

  • PDFs/Documents

  • Resource library signposting patients towards useful resources and services

  • Prompts patients to track progress post-procedure

  • Include tailored symptom tracker and measurements (both manual and via integrated apps, devices and wearables).

  • Pre-emptive advice, including a Red/Amber/Green status, provides comprehensive support and what to do if they have any concerns

  • Allow patients to self-assess and self-manage their health and care

Care Plan Example


Patients are able to access care plans directly from within the NHS App via the care planning jump off point (specific to PKB), as well as via any web-enabled device.

Figure 2 - patient’s journey to access these care plans directly within the NHS App for the first time (including the second image showing the initial linkage of a patient’s NHS App and PKB account) 


Patients can initiate a questionnaire by clicking Start Consultation on their homepage or directly within the NHS App. Once completed, the questionnaire can be sent to a professional or team.

Teams using the questionnaire tool can ensure the outcome of clinical reviews is recorded and the patient has a copy. Teams can also identify patients suitable for virtual appointments or PIFU.

Questionnaire templates

Add and View Data

Patients can automatically be added to the correct team through an integrated demographics feed, whereby these resources will be readily available without any manual intervention required by professionals. This demographics feed integration would take approximately 8 weeks to establish for a new organisation. 

  • Patients can view hospitals and GP data  where an integration with PKB has been set up

  • Data can include blood tests, x-ray reports, clinic and appointment letters, appointments and discharge summaries 

  • Patients can add information themselves, including operations and conditions

  • Patients can track key measurements and add any symptoms related to their orthopaedic condition

Further Information