Scottish Renal Comms Toolkit

Scottish Renal Comms Toolkit

This Comms Toolkit has been designed to help you communicate with your patients and staff about the switch from PatientView to PKB.

Guidance for Admin staff at Kidney Centres in Scotland

This guidance document is for PatientView administrators who will be switching over to PKB.


We have created a couple of different posters for you to use. If you would like to use one of the posters send us your logo and we will send you a PDF you can print off.


If you would like to use the leaflet send us your logo and we will send you a PDF you can print off and share.

Key messages

  • Patients will continue to have access to their test results as they are released, and will be able to see all of the past results that are currently on PatientView.

  • The UK Kidney Association (UKKA) has contracted Patients Know Best (PKB) to re-platform its national patient-facing system, PatientView, to Patients Know Best.

  • This 5-year deal is expected to benefit all 75,000 patients receiving care and treatment for renal disease across 72 hospitals in the UK.

  • The UK Kidney Association (UKKA) currently provides renal patients in the UK with a view of their clinical data using the PatientView system.

  • The move to PKB is expected to enhance the current portal to offer patients advanced features and functionality. This will include increased security, care planning, team-based messaging and an ecosystem of integrated wearable and monitoring devices all to support clinical transformation.

  • Comprehensive technical and information governance reviews have been completed before contracting and the implementation with NHS Health Boards began in October 2021.

  • An implementation programme has been agreed and the UK Kidney Association (UKKA) and Patients Know Best (PKB), will begin working with NHS Health Boards to roll out the PKB platform for all patients receiving care and treatment for renal disease in the UK.

  • For further information or support with this transition, please contact renal@patientsknowbest.com

Letter/Email to patients


Your PatientView system is being switched over to Patients Know Best (PKB)

The renal team at [Insert name of Trust] is switching over to a new service called Patients Know Best (PKB). PKB is a UK-based social enterprise and the leading provider of digital personal health records to the NHS. This is part of a national switchover commissioned by the UK Kidney Association.

Patients will continue to have access to their test results as they are released, and will be able to see all of the past results that are currently on PatientView. If you do not already have a PKB account, to continue to receive your data, and access many more tools to help you manage your health then please provide your renal team with your email address and they will be able to invite you to register.

Background Information

The UK Kidney Association UKKA (formerly the Renal Association) has contracted Patients Know Best to re-platform its national patient-facing system, PatientView, to Patients Know Best. This 5-year deal is expected to benefit 75,000 patients receiving care and treatment for renal disease across 72 hospitals in the UK.

Founded in 2008, Patients Know Best is a UK based social enterprise and Europe’s largest provider of personal health records. Today, the company is contracted to provide services for over 12 million people in the UK alone.

The UKKA currently provides renal patients in the UK with a view of their clinical data using the PatientView system. The move to PKB is expected to enhance the current portal to offer patients advanced features and functionality. This will include care planning, team-based messaging and an ecosystem of integrated wearable and monitoring devices.

Comprehensive technical and information governance reviews have been completed before contracting and the implementation with NHS Health Boards began in October 2021.

The new PKB system offers you increased security, and advanced features and functionality to support the management of your renal condition, as well as any other health conditions you may have. You will have improved access to care plans, and a range of other features to support you with self-management. For example:

  • test results - to monitor your health

  • a personal journal - keep a record of your condition

  • resource library - access information and support services

  • symptom tracker - keep a log of symptoms and share with teams (if needed)

  • share your record - with carers or extended health or care teams

  • connect wearable devices - and share data with teams in real-time

  • store important information - all your diagnoses, medications, allergies or clinical correspondence, seamlessly in one place.

To learn more about the features and benefits of PKB visit www.patientsknowbest.com/patients-and-carers. You can also read this example from the NHS about how they have worked with PKB to improve patient engagement and deliver a digital dietetics service to kidney patients.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with a member of the PKB team via email to help@patientsknowbest.com

Yours sincerely,

Patient Explainer Document

Helping kidney patients with the switchover from using PatientView to PKB, this document explains the differences they will see in the two systems.