PKB's Enhanced eMeet and Greet

PKB's Enhanced eMeet and Greet

Hospitals use key PKB features alongside their eMeet and Greet solution to enhance the service they provide their patients while also achieving the hospital initiatives and priorities to deliver a personal health record, validate patients on waiting lists and provide a digital record to patients.

Enhanced requirements facilitated by PKB features are made available at a Team level for patients according to the condition or speciality they have been referred for. Trusts will use HL7 messaging to add patients to the relevant speciality team on PKB.

A complete list of the features hospitals use is below:


Initiate the shared decision-making conversation by sharing relevant information using links to nationally developed shared decision-making resources.

PKB Care Plans 

  • PKB has converted the shared decision tools into PKB care plan templates, available for patient upon referral to the team, providing information and/or self-care instructions.

    • Care plans can be triggered by the Trust to be added to record at defined points i.e. the time period after referral or the period ahead of treatment

    • Direct people to bespoke lifestyle support linked to risk assessment, e.g. smoking, digital weight management

    • Accessed through the NHS App​

Care Plan Templates


PKB can do eMeet and Greet with waiting well and share decision tools for waiting list management. See the workflow below and ask your PKB PM for more details.

PKB Library

The specialty team library will be populated with information to support patients whilst they wait, linking in with the waiting well initiative.

  • PKB Team Library can be populated with shared decision-making resources for patient

  • Added once and available to all the patients in the team

  • Waiting well information

  • Online patient leaflets and hospital referral information

Screen and Confirm

Undertake a simple pre-preoperative screening process using PKBs questionnaire functionality (utilising nationally developed screening tool) to determine suitability for surgical hub and need for face-to-face pre-op assessment.


Teams can use PKB’s FHIR trigger API to automate sending questionnaires to patients. Patients' responses can be manually or systematically extracted via PKB APIs for operational management or patients on waiting lists.

  • Trust triggers pre-operative assessment questionnaire to patient 

  • Patient gets NHS App notification/email or SMS notification of questionnaire and completes

  • Completed questionnaires extracted by Trust 

  • Trust triage who can proceed to surgery and those requiring further assessment or appointment

  • Questionnaires can be used for waiting list validation and are available to provide key information

  • Pre-screening questionnaires; ensuring patients are ready to be referred for pre-op appointment, saving clinical time and guidance to patients

  • Voice call questionnaires; contacting patients not using PKB to obtain answers and feedback into PKB

Questionnaire Templates

New Feature

From 2024, PKB will add a new feature to allow questionnaires to be sent to unregistered patients (link by email and confirming DoB).


Anticipated waiting time for outpatient appointments, teams can use the PKB library to house generic waiting well resources, care plans and secure messaging to communicate with patients. 


  • Patients view any referral letter

  • Appointment letters and appointments, discharge and clinical letters

  • Appointment letters and appointments sent to PKB via integration or manually entered by patient


  • Patients have access to message their healthcare team (saving time on the phone)

  • The Admin team can triage messages, either resolving or passing on to another professional

  • Universal Messaging is the ability for patients to message clinical and non-clinical teams

  • Team-based messaging allows teams to automatically receive secure messages andquestionnaires as a group rather than as individuals

Events and Messaging Through The NHS App

Patients can access letters the hospital sends directly from within the NHS App via the events and messaging jump-off point (specific to PKB) via any web-enabled device.

Add and View Data

Patients can automatically be added to the correct team through an integrated demographics feed, whereby these resources will be readily available without any manual intervention required by professionals. This demographics feed integration would take approximately 8 weeks to establish for a new organisation. 

  • Patients can view hospitals and GP data  where an integration with PKB has been set up

  • Data can include blood tests, x-ray reports, clinic and appointment letters, appointments and discharge summaries 

  • Patients can add information themselves, including operations and conditions

  • Patients can track key measurements and add any symptoms related to their orthopaedic condition

Safety Net

Advice on actions to take if health changes.

  • Care plan available for patients upon referral to a Team

  • Guide patients on symptom management action to take if required, RAG instructions

    • Can be triggered by Trust to be added to the record at defined points