Mental Health Care Plan Template
Depression and Anxiety Monitoring Care Plan
Key objectives
To provide patients with a digital monitoring care plan, giving healthcare professionals and service users access to edit and share updates with an escalation plan when people need support.
Outcome measures
Equip people with the tools they need to document and share information about their mental health, support difficult conversations and self-management of complex health conditions, and provide the tools they need to interact digitally rather than relying on face-to-face consultations.
Current Baselines
All care plans are currently done on paper and not shared with service users.
My Care and Safety Care Plan
Key objectives
To provide patients with a digital version of their My care and safety plan, giving healthcare professionals and service users access to edit and share updates.
Outcome measures
Equip patients with the tools they need to document and share their wishes and needs, to support difficult conversations and support self-management of complex health conditions, as well as providing the tools they need to interact digitally rather than relying on a face to face consultations.
Current Baselines
All care plans are currently done on paper and not shared with service users.
My Care and Safety Care Plan Template comes into PKB via HL7.
Additional mental health care plan examples
Care Coordination Structured Care Plan: to enhance the treatment and care of patients with complex psychiatric or psychotherapeutic needs.