St Patrick’s Mental Health Services

St Patrick’s Mental Health Services

In 2020, St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS) became the first mental health service provider in Ireland to choose PKB as its Personal Health Record platform. 

SPMHS is committed to placing service users at the centre of their mental health care journeys. As part of this, SPMHS aims to give service users access to their health information and to empower service users’ abilities to be involved in their care and treatment pathways, to interact with professionals involved in their care, and to easily contribute and monitor their care plan. SPMHS identified the use of the PKB portal as a means of helping to achieve these objectives. The PKB portal is known as Your Portal within SPMHS. 

Service users have been active stakeholders in designing, testing, and giving feedback on features implemented in Your Portal within clinical and administration pathways. This service user engagement is facilitated through the Remote Care User Advisory Forum, which meets monthly. 

Through integration design between PKB and the SPMHS electronic health record (EHR), eSwift (which is hosted on the Rio system), the following information-sharing benefits have been achieved. 


Registration processes 

  • Integration between PKB, eSwift and SPMHS’ Business Intelligence (BI) tool enables SPMHS’ Service User IT Support (SUITS) service to manage and monitor and support pre-registration, registration, opt-out and opt-in procedures for Your Portal. 


  • Integration between eSwift and PKB portal has enabled service users to receive their appointment information in real time through Your Portal. 

  • When a one-to-one appointment is being delivered through MS Teams, the service user can access the video link to the scheduled appointment within their Your Portal appointment view. 


  • SPMHS staff can send requests to service users to complete questionnaires in Your  Portal from within eSwift. This triggers a PKB email to be sent to service users, letting  them know the questionnaire is ready for them to complete. When the service user  completes the questionnaire in Your Portal, their responses are sent back to and are  viewable from within eSwift.  

  • Use of eSwift/PKB integration capability enables SPMHS care teams to view and monitor when questionnaire requests have been sent and whether responses have been completed by the service user in Your Portal through the design of specific portal dynamic reports within eSwift. This capability is enabled across many clinical care pathways within SPMHS, including its inpatient service: 

- its Homecare service. 

- its Dean Clinic Assessment- Homecare Admission service 

- multiple clinical day programmes 

- individual discipline therapeutic assessments 

- multidisciplinary team assessments

Documents and Plans  

  • Integration has enabled service users to receive key information in Your Portal that can support their collaboration and contributions with their care team and care plan.

  • When the key worker review meeting information is recorded in the service  user’s eSwift record, the service user receives a copy of their current  

multidisciplinary care plan in the Plans area of Your Portal. 

  • When the allocated key worker is recorded in eSwift, the service user receives a PDF document that informs them who their key worker is and gives a summary about what the key worker role supports in the Events and  

Messages area of Your Portal

  • When the service user’s discharge summary is recorded for their Assessment  Homecare Admission in eSwift, the service user receives a copy of their discharge summary information as a PDF document in the Events and  Messages area of Your Portal. 

  • When a clinician records the final clinician summary review for an appointment or therapeutic assessment in eSwift, the service user receives a copy of the clinician summary review report information as a PDF document in the Events and Messages area of Your Portal. 

PKB File Upload – Single Sign On (SSO) usage 

  • Appointment-related documents can be manually uploaded to the Files area in the service user’s portal record. This approach uses the PKB /RiO SSO capability to facilitate SPMHS outpatient clinic administrators to upload such documents into the  Files area by accessing the service user’s portal record from within eSwift. 

  • The use of SSO to manually upload documents to the service user’s Files area of Your  Portal is also used by some clinical programmes to share weekly handouts and audio files that support the service user to manage self-directed learning, specific to the  clinical programme they are attending. 


  • The Library in Your Portal provides a wide range of supports and resources to enhance service users’ care and treatment experiences.  

  • The Library contains valuable, general information on mental health, programmes,  and services; practical guides; wellbeing activities; news and events from SPMHS and its partner organisations; and more. 


(Date range - 30th June 2020 – 12th April 2024) 

  • Portal registrations: 

  • Total confirmed registered = 2726 

  • Total invited, not yet confirmed registered = 50 

  • Total Questionnaire responses: 2, 814 

  • Total Key Worker Allocations and MDT Care Plans information sent: (since Nov  2022) = 3,585 

  • Total Assessment- Homecare Admission Discharge Summaries/ Clinician Review  Summaries sent (since Oct 2023) = 20